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Finally.. I look forward to continuing my steemit friendships I have made last year! Lots happened while I was away :-D

Hey there everyone,

It has been quite a while since I've been online.. (I know I swore I would never be gone).. Life took many turns for me the last few months and things are finally falling into place naturally for me and my family again.

I have loads to share with all of you and look forward to catching up with whats happened by you too!♥

Many new adventures and doors have started opening up for me.. leading me into lots of stress and fret haha along with great joy.

Our attempt at "homesteading" was an epic fail here thanks to political circumstances, I now only have two horses left who reside on a friends farm and we sadly haven't seen them in months due to them living with the herd in a valley.

After trying to be open minded about our local schooling system, I have been extremely disappointed and have taken my eldest daughter out of "conventional" school during the first term this year.. and my youngest has just decided now during the easter holiday that she is done with all that nonsense. We had a very interesting lady visit us today for business and she just couldn't agree more with me that it's just not even worth attempting to put our kids into schools now days not to even start on the varsities here!

My hubby's folks emigrated to New Zealand last year, before they left they invested in a food trailor for us :) This has been such a rollercoaster of an adventure and utter hair pulling experience at times hey.

I have had many rescue animals come and go since my last posts with you all.

Finally my holistic studies are mostly completed, unfortunately I then found out that it is not a career that will earn me my due, so it has all been hung on the line for now.

Recently I had a chat with our fur babies groomer and she sparked the delightful idea to qualify as a groomer myself seeing as I already invest so much time into fur babies. haha and yes I have already found a course that I think is perfect.. so as soon as this wonderful thing called "funds" are available I will be enrolling and hopefully this time I have found my purpose.

Anyways,, It's getting late this side and I am rather tired.

Look forward to hearing from you all soon!!♥


If I have forgotten anyone please bare with me.. my memory is truly not fabulous anymore (story for another post♥)

Lots of love