Steemit Strategies - SP - So You Want to Be a Banker


Delegating SP is Not for Everyone

This question keeps coming up on my posts and so I want to share my thoughts and give you some accurate information on the benefits and shortcomings of delegating your SP. Yesterday, I explained why some people would be well served by Leasing SP (essentially borrowing it for a period of time), but let's look at the flip-side of the equation.

The most common question about Leasing and Delegating SP is, "Which is more profitable?" The answer is simple - BOTH.

The key is determining what your goals are with your Steemit account, your level of activity on the platform, and what types of returns you want to get for your time and investment (you should be measuring both in some sort of monetary value).

If you're on the Steemit platform for purely altruistic reasons and believe that you are saving the world by donating your SP and money to the cause, feel free to delegate your SP to me. I promise to brighten people's lives with it. However, there are a number of other alternatives for you that I will point out here.

I speak a lot about understanding your true purpose and commitment levels here on Steemit before making financial decisions and the area of delegation of SP is no exception. I delegated a large portion of my SP a couple months back and it was a poor decision. Not because delegating isn't profitable, but based on my daily activity, I could have done much, much more positive things for my account and those of my followers during that time. Let me explain how.


Reasons to Delegate SP

  1. You're not active daily or 4 days a week minimum.
  2. You have at least 100 SP, but probably more is better or it isn't interesting.
  3. You're looking for passive income/return on investment for money invested in Steemit.
  4. You want to help others on Steemit, but don't really have the time or know how to do so. Your money/SP could go to communities and services that will do that for you.
  5. You don't have the time or inclination to micro-manage your own Steemit account. I wish more people would just admit this.
  6. You don't feel comfortable self-voting for either ethical or peer-pressure reasons.

All of these reasons are completely valid and I support ALL of them. That is why I am writing this post. I would suggest that several of these factors should apply to you BEFORE you decide to delegate your SP.

Here is an additional reason that I will add to the list because I use this reason to justify the 800 SP that I delegate to @qurator - My Absolute Most Favoritist Community Filled with a Plethora of Awesome-Sauce. Yes, I'm a fan. The reason here - You can get additional daily upvotes greater than your self-vote WHILE helping others that produce QUALITY content.

Yes, I'm on a CAPS kick tonight - sorry. 1 liter of beer in and it's only 7:30 on a Saturday night. Hopefully I can finish this while I still notice the grammatical errors. Otherwise, you're going to think I let my Russian neighbor, Olga, write this.

qurator4.jpgJust in case I wasn't clear.

Reasons You Should NOT Delegate Your SP

  1. You have very little of it - less than 100 SP.
  2. You are active daily on Steemit - meaning you post and curate every day or 4 to 5 times a week minimum.
    3.You want to control your SP and Voting Power.
  3. Your Focus is on Creating Content - Blogger, Photographer, Artist, etc.

For me, I'm very active on Steemit. I post everyday and write hundreds of comments each week while curating other people's work or responding to the dozens of thoughtful comments on my posts. Therefore, I need ALL my VP to maintain AND maximize my SP.

However, let's be honest. Many of you don't have the time, energy, or inclination to commit to Steemit at this level and so it might make sense to delegate your SP to get at least something in return on your investment in Steem. That is totally okay with me and I'm glad because it means that I have people willing to lease me their SP.

You've Decided that Delegating SP is a Good Choice for You

Here are some places that you will want to check out as a place to delegate or market your SP for lease. There are many more, but these are places that I think are good and where I would go first if I decided to delegate again in the future.


  1. Minnowbooster - Here you can make an offer and post it for others to see. If they like your offer, they will take it. When you delegate through Minnowbooster, they handle all the transactions for you and send you a daily payment. Here is a screenshot taken today.

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The top offer based on the best Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is @mythologyupvote who wants to lease 78 SP for 4 weeks for a cost of 2.667 Steem. Any person who accepts his offer will get 2.4 Steem. If someone is willing to delegate that amount for his use (78 SP for 4 weeks), they will accept that offer and Minnowbooster will process the delegation. Minnowbooster will also pay the delegator daily an equal amount for 28 days (4 weeks). In this case, the delegator is going to get approximately .086 Steem every day until the delegation ends. Once the delegation ends, there will be a one week "cool down" where nobody will be able to utilize that 76 SP.

I think this is one of the easiest ways to market your SP at the best possible rate of return. Go to Minnowbooster's website for more details here

  1. @qustodian - Qustodian is the vote bot operated by @qurator for their members. Fortunately, you don't have to be a member to delegate to them, but you can be sure that the people utilizing their bot are producing quality content. Also, their's is not a MEGA bot and the maximum send for them is 0.5 SBD at this point for users of their bot. One cool thing about delegating here is also is that they pay 90% of the profits daily and in SBD to delegators.

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This screenshot explains most of it, but you can visit their page @qustodian for more info or go to the Qurator Discord channel and ask one of their moderators. They are very helpful and tell them @energyaddict22 sent you.

  1. @ebargains - Ebargains is a favorite of mine because they do what they claim (not always the case on Steemit). I use their resteem service, which I will speak about in a couple days when I cover "resteeming". In addition to their resteem service, they operate a bot publicly that can be found at They are a fair organization that is sincerely interested in the growth of Steemit and they use proceeds from their bot and resteem services to draw new users to Steemit. Also, they pay 80% of their proceeds from bids to their delegators. Why is the percentage less? Mostly because their are fees associated with being a public vote-bot on Steembottracker in order to maintain that site. Here is some additional info below on @ebargains.

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  1. - Smartsteem could easily be listed at number one on this list because I love this guys also. They do run a vote-bot, which you can delegate SP to, but they also allow you to sell votes on through them where you can be more particular about who you give your vote to. They run a "Whitelist" (as does Minnowbooster) where each member has been reviewed for quality content. You can therefore delegate your SP or sell your votes with some higher ethical standards if you have any. You need to visit their site and Discord to get more details on the vote selling possibilities, but SP delegation is as easy as anywhere else. Screenshot below shows projected daily/weekly revenue in STU for someone delegating 500 SP. You can put in whatever number you of SP you like in the calculator and it will provide you an estimate.

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There are many other services and vote-bots out there and I'm not suggesting that you stop looking at those others. It's your SP, so you should do your due diligence to get a return you're happy with. However, I trust all these organizations because I have and continue to do business with all of them. Keep in mind, I don't believe I get any referral or affiliate bonuses for suggesting them to you. However, I SHOULD get a ton of bonuses for suggesting all the resources I do so just tell them I sent all these people I sent you and maybe they will show me some love down the road. ;)


Recap and Conclusions

You could have probably skipped right to this part of the post and been just fine because I know my audience and I love you all, but you're all dead ass broke in Steemit terms. That's okay. I'm still here for you and we are all going to build our accounts together. That being said, most of you don't meet the needed criteria for delegating SP. Mostly because you don't have much SP.

Those of you that do meet the criteria for delegating and think it is a good option and know where you want to delegate it, but don't know how. Here is the cool tool put together by @yabapmatt. Yes, that @yabapmatt that created and should be on your vote list for witness. Why? Because he's freaking super smart, works his ass off in a normal job, has a family and still does kickass stuff here on Steemit. Also, he's pretty much a regular guy like me. Anyways, here is the link

Breakdown -

You should really have 500 SP or more before you start delegating so you can keep your slider bar. If you want to delegate when you have less, make sure you keep at least 50 SP so you can vote when you do get on Steemit. Make sure you give some of that voting love to me for guiding you. No, joke. You should.

Building your account to 500 SP so that you can sit back and take a passive income is also not a bad plan. Hey, if you have a rich uncle that is looking for a good return on investment and likes crypto, here you go. Delegating SP is much better than leaving it in BTC or, even worse, putting it in a U.S. bank account drawing 1% interest. Even here in Russia, where I get 13% interest in my bank account, I can double or triple that on Steemit just by buying Steem, Powering Up, and delegating it.

There you have it folks. Tomorrow I'm going to walk you through some of these sites with a video and show you exactly how to lease, delegate, or investigate your options. Wish you all the best.

Remember - For the best curation that you will get with your very small upvote, you should write a GOOD, Thoughtful comment on this post. I will upvote your comment and respond to it. If I was you (hint, hint), I would upvote my reply to your comment first because I'm going to upvote it in 3 days and whoever upvotes it first is going to get better than their share of 25% curation. See my post on comments for an explanation of this phenomenon. So, you get curation, author, and curation rewards all on the same post.


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My Posts That You Should Have Read Already

Steemit Strategies

Curation Rewards
Comment Strategies
4 Month Recap
Communities and Focus
Leasing SP

Steemit Essentials - Tools/Resources

Qurator Community

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Special thanks for support from @qurator @jumbot @dynamicsteemians @newbieresteem @resteemit @asapers #payitforward - @thedarkhose, @lynnecoyle1, @wolfhart #kryptonia #superiorcoin @sydesjokes

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