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What Are You Made Of?

There are so many health gurus, nutritionist, scientist, doctors, vegan, vegetarians, researchers, and government agency that have us on a non-stop roller coaster of confusion on what we should consume. And the “what” we should consume is based on which vitamins and nutrients our bodies allegedly needs to function properly. Vitamin and nutrients, right? Rarely do we hear about proper “mineral” intake. A recent post on a social media website regarding the body’s actually make-up caused me to look into minerals. According to an article written by Anne M. Helmenstine, the body is made up of “oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, magnesium, iron, copper, and lithium [with trace amounts of other minerals]” (2019 Helmenstine). Not one vitamin listed! Not one! But note how many minerals we are made of. Why then do we have consumption guides that tell us to consume meats, diary, fish, and vitamins for proper body function and good health? It seems to me that we must consume minerals for good health and proper body function as well as to prevent chronic disease.

What say you?

Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. (2019, February 2). What Are the Elements in the Human Body? Retrieved from
