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How To Recognize Psychic Violence

What is the meaning of psychic violence?
The definition of psychological violence is the manipulative stance people take in order to prevail in a conversation. On an individual level, this can be petty arguments with family members or co-workers. On a global level, this can be disagreements that result in world wars. The human world is in a vast competition for energy and consequently for power. Humans feel an innate urge to control and dominate one another and some go through their lives in a constant hunt for someone else’s energy.

How does psychic violence occur?
When we can get others to submit to our view of things, they identify with us and that pulls their energy into us and we feel stronger, but it doesn’t last. In order to continue getting this psychological lift, we seek to outwit and control each other. This, consequently, is the cause of so many irrational conflicts. It’s time to find another way to interact with one another.

An example of the way psychic violence works in everyday life is when someone pretends they want to be friends with you, so you open up which gives them your energy. Then they begin to criticize you and your decisions which is taking (stealing) more of your energy than you are willing to give. This energetically weakens you. You are also likely to find this dominating behavior learned in childhood within families that have extreme dysfunction. This behavior is inherited from previous generations and continues to be passed down until someone breaks the cycle. When parents dominate their children, it becomes a deeply ingrained trait in them and will make the child just as dominating when they grow up especially when they are around people who are vulnerable, such as their own children.

When the person gets fed up with their energy being stolen, they lash out. It is the only way they can gain back some control for themselves. This also happens on an expansive level such as when races or nations are oppressed and dominated to a certain extent; lashing out happens and results in war. The result of feeling insecure and weak from stealing some else’s energy to feel okay is what human conflict is about. The conflict can’t be settled immediately because one side is holding on to an irrational position for energy purposes.

Why do we want to dominate each other?
The physical world is a vast system of energy. Humans have been unconsciously competing for the open part of the energy that flows between one another. Although we are unconscious of it, the tendency to control and dominate each other exists to build us up and make ourselves feel better. As aforementioned, when we control another human being we receive their energy. We fill up at the other’s expense and the filling up is what drives us. But this sense of feeling better is at the cost of the other person. We stole their energy. Whether we’re dominating someone or our children because we believe it is for their own good, damage occurs.

Giving energy voluntarily
When we meet someone, at least for a little while we will voluntarily send each other energy. Receiving voluntary energy from someone feels good. This energy allows you to express yourself more clearly and easily. It makes you feel empowered. But most people aren’t strong enough to continue giving energy. So at first we link up energy, then we start to fight over who is going to control it, but it sucks the vital energy out of the person who ends up being dominated. When someone is dominating you psychically, they actually take your mind away.

The problem is that everyone is trying to control and manipulate each other for energy because we feel lacking of it. Once humans understand this struggle, we can transcend this conflict and receive our energy from another much more abundant source.


Redfield, J. (1994). The Celestine Prophecy. London: Bantam Books