Mind space for rent (Mindful Monday)



Be careful who you rent your mind out to.

Becoming aware of your thoughts is a way to freedom, otherwise, any passing thought can stop in and set up shop.

Vagrant thoughts will stroll right in and stay. They stay because we give them five star service, according to Mooji.

The first step to clearing our minds for a more peaceful life is by creating a place of solitude and free thinking.

Through awareness by observing passing thoughts we begin to realize we are not our thoughts.

A space begins to widen in our minds and fills with peace.

The first time I experienced this the relief was amazing and so peaceful.

Mindful living can be achieved through observing our thoughts.

Your friend,

Remember meditation helps free the mind and here is an invitation to you.

The group guided meditation is led in a virtual meditation hall by @bewithbreath in discord

Wednesdays 8:30 to 9:30 pm London time
(8:30-8:40 pm check in & brief guidance, 8:40-9:10pm guided meditation and 9:10 to 9:30pm Q & A plus chitchat)

Saturdays 5:30 to 7:00pm London time
(5:30-5:40pm check in & brief guidance, 5:40-6:40pm guided meditation and 6:40 to 7:00pm Q & A plus chitchat).

But you are welcome to join just guided meditation session if time prevents you from joining the whole 1 to 1.5 hours.

Go to this post link and scroll to the bottom for information on the group.

Also a special thank you to @riverflows for choosing me for the 2.00 SBI winner this week. I am honored to receive.


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