The Million Dollar Homepage

The Million Dollar Homepage - website coined by Alex Tew, a 21-year old student from Wiltshire (Great Britain) to raise money for higher education. Launched August 26, 2005.

Home page of the site consists of an image size of 1000 × 1000 = 1 million pixels, where each pixel is sold for $ 1, the minimum purchase amount -. A block of 10 x 10 pixels. The buyer could place them in a tiny image, and specify the address of which will refer to the picture. The aim was to sell all of the pixels in the image, thereby obtaining income of one million dollars.

January 1, 2006 the last thousand pixels has been exposed on auction eBay. The auction was completed on January 11 and brought Alex 38 to $ 100. Thus, the proceeds amounted to $ 1 037 100.

During the auction site was subject to DDoS attacks that could end only after the fulfillment of certain conditions, that is, after the payment of ransom. Alex refused to yield to the demands "internet terrorists", so the site was not available to the public throughout the week.

site success quickly spawned many imitators-sites, but they earned far smaller sums.

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