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11 Months

Wow. Where did that time go?

September has been a really fast and busy month for us especially with Bella's birthday prep.

The month started off with her keen interest in music which she's managed to keep.

Followed by her first Father's Day.

Lots of time outside during the week Hubby had off.

Once she got over the odd texture of the grass beneath her feet there was no stopping her. We had to get the baby pool/ball pit out to contain her so we could work on the garden. That said she still needed company in the pit every now and then.

She's better at turning pages, loves to "help" with the laundry and loves cuddling her stuffed toys.

She's also copying sounds and actions.

I'm hoping she'll eventually get over her nail time phobia. As you can see she doesn't mind the nail file when she's doing it but when I do it....

The biggest things to happen in September is her tooth finally coming up (she's got two now!) And this 👇.

She's been walking while holding on to things since August but a few weeks ago she started taking a step or two on her own and one day she just took off.

It's seriously the cutest and most nerve wracking thing watching her walk. She holds her arms up like she's balancing on a tightrope and insists on carrying something as she wobbles across the room.

As far as food and co-sleeping goes.. Food I'm working on, the sleeping part.. Well, looks like she'll be in bed with us for a while since she hates being in her cot because it represents separation from me.

Ahhh my crazy, sweet, little girl.

It's been exhausting but I wouldn't trade any of it.
