200 followers - reached the first big milestone

Hey followers, hey steemians, hey random readers,

Firstly, I want to say THANK YOU to everybody who reads or interacts with me incl. especially upvoting, commenting and resteeming.

Source: pixabay.com

So what to say after 4 months? I think it's good time to evaluate this platform. Firstly, I wanted to earn some extra money as I wasn't able to earn a single penny using ads from Infolinks ads and Propeller ads on my website promisingcoins.com. My traffic is around 50 visits a day. On the Steemit I made some money (not much), but about 90% of profit is due to price fluctuations of STEEM and 10% because of writing. If I wanted to make money by speculating I would use Binance or Cryptopia for buying some STEEM.

Ok, it's tough to make money here and it's more about good marketing, begging for upvotes (espeacially on steemit chat and Facebook groups) and buying followers and upvotes (I mean paying to upvoting bots to attract some people to your post) rather than making money by good quality posts.

Everybody cares about looking for upvotes rather than about writing posts that are worth something. It's clear - if nobody knows about you, you can write high-quality posts and nobody knows about you. So I understand that. Of course, you can spend 5 hours a day by studying and writing great posts and you'll finally earn some money. But you'll earn more money as a housekeeper for 1 hour a day. No offense, I was a housekeeper in US two years ago :-)

But on the other side - if you use Steemit instead of Facebook or Twitter to interact with people first of all - it's good platform. I like that there are no ads, it's easy to use environment and mostly friendly users :-) I decided to use it instead of Facebook rather than make big money so I'll stay :-)

PS: I think my posts about cryptocurrencies are good quality and worth reading so don't be lazy to scroll down :-)

Have a great day!

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