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Social Democracy in America, The 1 % Strikes Back Part 7 The Children of the New Middle Class

The baby boomers come into their own in a world of material comfort and superficiality. They saw that the prosperity that the New Deal afforded them was not available to the African American community. They became a splinter left faction against war and for civil rights, but fairly indifferent to the power of oligarchy that plagued their parents. They thought those days were history but were horribly wrong. This was the beginning of a divided left in America. Both righteous, yet adversarial, allowing the right an easy takeover.

This documentary series is designed to be an outreach to the politically uninitiated.
It is meant to pierce the academic echo chamber and reach the majority of society that only seems to get information that is either truthful but wonky and arcane or easily digestible but propaganda and thoroughly dishonest. Afterall, Democracy is based on the majority. The small esoteric group of academics and assorted leftists is not a majority and needs to cultivate outreach beyond their circles.

It is therefore generalized to avoid going deep into the minutiae, with the attempt at framing the issues honestly within the confines of explaining it to people of all education levels or lack thereof.

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