Microsoft / Bing blocks "Tank Man" images.

According to a conversation I had with some folks yesterday, if you complain about this or think this might not be a good thing, you're challenging Microsoft's property rights as a private enterprise.

And in any case, it's no big deal... Tech companies can censor whomever they want. Don't worry about it because if it gets too bad, users will leave and the market will fix it.

Or perhaps it's not even censorship at all, since it's not the government doing it. Er... not the US government at least... maybe... Anyway, if it's restrictions on speech in private settings, it's not real censorship.

Or maybe it was just a harmless human error... on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre.


Either way, if you think this is bad, maybe you're bad because only bad people get censored on the internet. Plus obviously there's no way highlight these kinds of stories or to think that maybe private restrictions on speech and limiting people's access to information is not healthy for humanity without simultaneously demanding the government violate the 1st Amendment, so you're probably a statist if you're concerned.

Just shut up, plebe.

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