Get benefits microniches

As profit in internet

Good to everyone who could not make money with internet, that's because they have not known that key touch for profit in a given time.

With the ease of people to create pages, but the difficulty not make them known to others, the reason is that they do not know position.

The technique of micro niches is the following, we will have 6 pages, we will make a pyramid where we will make 3 levels, the lower level will be composed of pages that will give strength to the two pages the next level.

Already an idea of ​​where it will end all the strength of this pyramid made?

Exactly, we are going to give full force with these pages to the front page, so the strength of 5 pages is a single that is on the top, which will position our web in the first positions.

But these pages have to have an authority in its domain, therefore we have to go to auction sites domain, where normally the owner of the domains you forget to renew the contract and are free.

The more powerful the domain, the easier it will be to position our web among the first places, also has seniority, so attentive to that domain will take.

IMPORTANT: our domains must point to the same topic, so if you're going to do drugs, our domains have to be related to them.

When we have all our domains the next thing he will do is seek to have greater relevance, this will be the one that tops the pyramid and from it down to rest.

How I can connect with each other?

A simple technique used is to put a link on the index pages that are underneath supporting the top page, the T3 will bring strength to T2 and T2 give it full force at T1.

Once we have this, we begin to create more pages these will give more support to T2, that the bigger they are, the amounts can give the T1 to overcome the posts, up to the first place in search engines.

Now that we have our traffic, which will be a significant amount, therefore we pass to the second place it is to get a sponsor to monetize our web.

Google Adsense or Adnow are the two that will recommend to increase the amount of benefits, now you can use both, pays your web and traffic continues to increase our first line of sites.

Thanks for listening to these indications, we will continue with more soon.

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