Sirenum scopuli

This is my entry into Weekly Micro-fiction Contest hosted by the fabulous @jayna. This prompt is "beacon".


At the court of Lord Sandor Nikolaidis, Timon's letter is read by the court's jester.

We'd gotten away on our ship with looted gold and other treasures, Lord, without losing a man of ours. The heist was well executed, a rarity enjoyed once every other blood moon.

Helios, two hours away from setting, guided our path back home.

Looking back from the stern to the sandy shore, I saw a group of armed men angrily throwing their weapons and armor down. They weren't able to make chase because we'd torched their ships.

Some time passed, Lord. I'd resigned myself to the captain's cabin for the night. Helios' journey to the west was not far from being complete when Brown Tooth burst into my chamber and frantically signed, "Men are jumping ship!"

I rushed out with him to see for myself what was going on.

There, I saw Sirenum scopuli, an island with sharp jagged rocks and steep cliffs. I then saw the sirens. Their enchanting voices were beacons of death for my men, your men, Lord.

I turned to face Brown Tooth and witnessed his eyes turn a ghostly bright white. With a crown of feathers in his hand, he made his way to the edge like I'd saw the rest of my men do. I tried to stop him from jumping into a red sea, Lord, but he was ten times stronger.

You ask, Lord, how I am standing here before you. I'm deaf.


This piece was constructed after writing this freewrite --> Sound of Sirens. I find it interesting to look back and see the many changes it took to get the piece I'm submitting for the challenge. Maybe you will too.

Previous EntriesHaikus and 50-word short stories
Deep WaterBird and FishUnforgotten Memories; Time; MusicZombies and treeforts
Murders Abound on HalloweenBook PlayA Baby Sold into SlaveryCow and Regret
Fall LeavesSnow Angels and RoyaltyDocks and SnowStories at SunsetThe Playground
Where I'm At NowMoths and TeensTuffyNutWhisking Cat Tail Dance


tortillas_de_pelo low_res.png

[created by @ brisby]

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  • Drug Wars. Want to get paid for selling drugs without getting hassled/molested/tazed/killed/tortured by the largest, organized gang, an entity that takes your drugs and sells them where you were going to, in the world? I'm not sure what else could be more alluring. Oh, yeah. Don't forget to watch your stash. Eyes will be watching and there will be people stealing/taking what is rightfully yours!


Ongoing Contests

  • twenty-four hour short story - You gotta be quick to get this one posted in time. He posts the contest on Sunday (usually) and ends it about 48 hours later. This contest has a 2000 word limit.

  • Finish the Story Contest - The contest begins on Wednesday (usually) and end 5 days later. This contest will test your write skills with something a little different each week. Pletty of time to write something around the 500 word mark.

  • Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! - Coming out roughly every week. If you enjoy card games like Magic, Yugio, and others like it, you might like this game. Write a fictional tale about the card they present in the contest and your entry just might be the one they choose to showcase.

  • Tell A Story To Me, And Win 5 SBD! Writing Contest - Kind of random when it comes out but don't worry. You will have two weeks to complete your work of art from the given prompt. Have fun!

  • Haiku - These are coming out every couple days or so. If you stuggle with rhymes, no worries. Haikus don't have to rhyme. All you need to make a haiku is five syllable on the first, seven syllables in the second line, and again back to five syllable for the last line. So easy it makes me think I'm being super product. LOL

  • Mizu No Oto - Every Image Has Its Haiku Contest - By reading the title, you should be able to guess how this haiku contest works. You're given an image and you write. I've really enjoy this contest because there are people here who've actually gone to classes to learn how to write haiku's; so if you want, you also can learn how to write quality haikus from reading the comments and critiques they and others give.

  • Micro-Fiction Writing Contest - This is a fun challenge. You get two-hundred and fifty words to tell a story or a vignettes. Here is a great post that will explain the difference between the two concepts. Here is another post explanation of what a story is. Good luck, Brave Story Writer!

  • Vocab-Ability 1x1 - What happens is you are given a list of roots and the words they can be found in. You create sentence using those words and post in the comment section of the post. Your upvote for your creative work will come soon. One of the best way to increase your vocabulary is by doing these 10-15 minute exercises almost daily. What craziness will you create?

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