!!! Journey from Engineer to Money guru !!!


Hello friends i am the new user of steemit. Today i am going to telling about the man who is now the super hero of steemit platform and inspiration of mine non other than @moneyguruu. At first i know about the steemit through my brother @rujanisdad (name as santosh lamichhane) and then i saw the youtube video of @moneyguruu and i inspire from it. He is only here in the top because of his passion. Do that thing which your heart saying, do not choose by the pressure . Choosing a career is one of those momentous decisions that change the course of your life. Self examination can help you choose a satisfying career that you will enjoy for years to come.


@moneyguruu (Name as Sumit Kapoor) is one of the best example of this. He is now the top class steemit user. His life has creats very much variation. He has done a lot of works in his career. At first, He is an engineer because of his mother forceness but he want to do new and does not want to make any boss and does not want to work in below anyone. His one friend help him to entering in online platform, after that he hard works took him to achieve this level. He choose the online platform and now he become the Money guru. He had done alot of struggle in his career and now he is in this point. He had sale the icecream roll also when he feels that now he does not do more from online. And finally he join the steemit and now going on and going on ...... Dear bro @moneyguruu please give the continuity in your blog and youtube video which helps the more and more people.

Know more about him .

I am also the one who is inspired from him @moneyguruu. I am at the platform since 18 days. I have seen the money guru youtube video and i become inspired from it. Not only the inspiration you have also the passion to do anything. So i have also the passion of online job so i join quickly the steemit and now i am writhing the blog.
You can see more about the money guru at the following links which i have given above. Please do not choose the field in which you are not interested and loved it. Some tips for choosing a career are also follows :

-Evaluate your work style
An honest evaluation of your work style will help you decide whether a carer where you work independently is right for you. If you’re naturally a day dreamer, you may do well in a career where a supervisor help you stay on task.

-Know your talents
Do you have a hobby or a talent that you love and are good at? Think of ways to transform activities that come naturally to your into a career. Doing what you love can lead to a rewarding career.

-Set financial goals
One of your goals should be to choose a career where you can enough money to meet your financial goals. If you want to know a vacation home on every continent and fly to these homes on your private jet, a career as a retail clerk will probably not help you achieve your goals. You may have to make some compromise along the way, but generally speaking, the career you choose should allow you to meet financial goals.

-Assess your social needs
You’ll spend one-third of your life with the people you work with, so choose a career that’s a good social fit. If you’re a loner who doesn’t enjoy social interaction, you may be well-suited to a career where you work independently or work from home. If you love to meet new people, you may find a career in sales fulfilling, where you work with the public.


Specially thank you for @moneyguruu and @rujanisdad.

Thank your for reading my article.
Sandesh Lamichhane

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