Success Means Different Things To Different People

Hello Steemians... First of All Thank-you for Being here... Today I am talking about The word "Success", read it completely and as you know no one is perfect so please give your Valuable suggession for Better Improvement.


Your progress might not look like other peoples rogress, which means your markers for success might be different as well. One person's success might involve getting a diploma, while another's might involve overcoming depression.
Challenges come in different forms for different people, therefore success is different, too.

You're not failing in life simply because your life doesn't resemble someone else's. If you're slaying your own demons, then know that is the bravest and hardest thing any human can do. You shouldn't dismiss your challenges because someone else is doing something different elsewhere. Some people's battles involve conquering the business world, while other people's battles are within their own minds.


Their diplomas, jobs, and relationships shouldn't be compared to you fighting to establish your own inner harmony and health. Your work is not to get your life to look inke anyone else's. Your work is to create the life that's meant for you through overcoming your own obstacles.

Thank-you for Giving me your Precious Time.
With lots of Love - @sam0014

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