How Are Gastrointestinal Carcinoid Tumors Diagnosed

Carcinoid syndrome is a very rare condition that is characterized by a group of symptoms that occur when a cancerous carcinoid tumor It releases hormones and proteins in the bloodstream. Most people are unlikely to experience it, since it is usually caused by advanced tumors, often in the gastrointestinal tract or lungs Can diagnose carcinoid syndrome by observing symptom. As these symptoms may be similar to other diseases, you should also undergo further medical tests. If you do Having it, your medical team will treat you fighting cancer and relieving your symptoms.


Watch for redness on the face and neck. The color of your skin can vary from light pink to red or purple, and your skin

It will feel hot Some people experience redness without any reason at all, but it can also be triggered. The skin may redden by

just a few minutes, but it could also last for hours
Common triggers to blush include exercise, stress and alcoholic beverages.
Be aware of breathing difficulties, especially if you do not have asthma. People who have carcinoid syndrome may experience

Asthma-like symptoms, even if they do not have it. This can include wheezing, difficulty breathing and feeling likeYou can not breathe You may experience this during an episode of skin redness. If this happens, talk to your doctor as soon as possible to rule out possible causes emergency care if you can not breathe

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Observe repeated episodes of diarrhea without clear cause. Diarrhea is a symptom with many causes. If you have

Carcinoid syndrome, can cause watery and loose stools that are accompanied by abdominal cramps. While it is a common symptom

of people with this condition, diarrhea alone does not mean that you have carcinoid syndrome
Talk to your doctor to rule out other causes of diarrhea before deciding carcinoid syndrome.


Look for purple blood vessels in the nose and upper lip. The blood vessels will look like a web of veins that

It extends through the area of ??the nose and mouth. If you notice this on your face, you should contact your doctor immediately to get

your symptoms reviewed


Watch the episodes of rapid heartbeat, along with the other symptoms. The accelerated heart rate can last for short or prolonged periods

of time. While fast heartbeat alone does not mean you have carcinoid syndrome, it could be an indication of the condition.

If other symptoms are present
A decrease in blood pressure may occur at the same time as changes in heart rate.


Observe a persistent cough when you have not had a respiratory illness. If the tumor is in your lungs, then it can also result

in a persistent cough This is usually only a concern if you have not had a previous infection.
You can also cough up blood.
If the condition is not detected for a prolonged period of time, you may develop pneumonia


Watch for an unexplained weight gain. Because carcinoid syndrome can generate additional chemicals in the bloodstream, it can gain

weight without explanation. It is best to keep track of what you are eating and how often you exercise so that your doctor can determine if the weight gain could be caused by a medical condition
Remember, weight gain alone does not mean you have carcinoid syndrome.


Verify the increase of facial and body hair. As with weight gain, chemicals secreted into the bloodstream could
Increases hair growth on your face or body, especially if you are a woman. If you notice extra hair, talk to your doctor about that.The increase in hair growth can have many causes. Your doctor can help you find what is causing your hair to grow and identify possible deals.

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