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Travel plans - Trying to buy a car - and more in Playa del Carmen

We wanted to be in Morelia for The Greater Reset on the 26th of January, and then on to Acapulco in February for Anarchapulco. However, logistics is proving to be an issue.
I'm moving 6 people, 3 dogs (did I mention that we picked up another dog on our 4th week here?) and a cat, plus a large volume of pet carriers, and suitcases, so only a van will do.
Flying is really not an option I want to explore.
Let's see what we got here...

Now this is not what I'm hoping to purchase here...Maybe later hahaha. Source

The route to Rome wasn't built in a day

And neither was the road from here to Morelia. It's a 24 hour drive. I am only going to drive during the day. So that makes the whole thing a bit harder.
Then, I will have to work in between driving, and I have to sleep somewhere too. So the trip will be spread out over 4 to 6 days. We're supposed to leave here on the 21st. That's a very short time to buy a car!

So I've decided to drop the idea of Morelia altogether.
To me, Anarchapulco is more important, as some of you probably know. I have the ticket, so nothing can get in the way. Dropping Morelia will buy us some time, and that way we can (hopefully) take it easy driving to Acapulco.

Buying a car in Mexico on a tourist visa

It's hard, but it can be done.
You can buy a car, get it insured, however, you can't put it in your name. The plates are usually good for a year, so we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.
Getting a car is the hard part...
I had my friendly neighbor helping me out in my search. He came up with one SUV. But even that would be too small.
And even though there's still some room to downsize, I still don't think we'd be comfortable driving in an SUV like that.

Then today I thought that it might be a good idea to go to Merida to buy a car. They're cheaper, usually have less mileage and are less beaten down (If you've ever seen a colectivo driver drive here, then you'll know what I mean!), and the salty beach water hasn't brought the cars in Merida down to a sad, rusty lump just yet...
So Merida it is!

One slight problem: I only speak half ass Spanish, and I'm a woman... And I can't afford to buy a car, drive around the corner and it breaking down on me. Where is @anomadsoul when you need him? 😄

New goal: learn more than decent Spanish in record time....
The good thing is, we'll be going to places where Spanish is the only language spoken, so we'll have to...

The other matters of importance...

I've been looking for land. Not actively but I've been dipping my toes in the world of real estate a bit. We want to grow things. We're not quite sure what yet but it's going to be (partially) commercial. There are some ideas...
The issue is that one can't buy land unless it's at least 50 km from the border or ocean if you're not Mexican. Well, that's not true. You can buy it, but it has to be a bank trust. So that's yet another bridge to be crossed.

Then there's our residency status...There are also a few options, one of which I will explore once I get to Acapulco.
If that doesn't work out, I will have one or two options left. To get done by May. Immigration is really cracking down on tourists who are overstaying or trying to renew visa. If you're here longer than 180 days, they basically consider you to be a resident. So we'll have to go with that.
Some options are a bit less corrupt than others...😅

Lots to think about. Lots of meditation to do. Lots to manifest. But hey, we're here. I managed to bring us here, including our pets. Even though it cost me an arm and a leg, and some raised heart beats...It was all worth it in the end. I know I can do this too. I don't know how just yet, but I will leave that part to the universe...
It always works out in the end.

Our leaving here will be bittersweet indeed. We really like it here. The surroundings, the beaches, the weather, everything. So we're partly a bit sad to go. The other part is happy and excited to go on a new adventure. To experience the real Mexico. It'll be amazing either way. And Playa will still be here when we come back...

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