🔬#MESExperiments 13: Steepest Gyroscope Rising Experiment Ever! 74 Degrees from the Vertical

In #MESExperiments 13, I show one of the most baffling gyro rising experiments ever performed! Not only is the entire phenomenon of gyroscopes rising magically on their own entirely unheard-of, besides here at MES, but a gyro rising from an angle of about 74 degrees from the vertical and in a mere 90 seconds is straight ludicrous sorcery! This finding was actually accidental, and I came across it during my #MESExperiments 12 filming and testing. Most of my earlier gyro experiments were performed with a “super precision gyroscope” but this one is actually done with a slightly cheaper less precise gyro that is also a bit heavier than the more precise gyro. A larger plastic round stem on this particular gyro should also be noted. This is the steepest fully rising gyro experiment I have ever performed and is almost perfectly horizontal! This is the definition of magic.

#MESExperiments 13 Steepest Gyroscope Rising Ever.jpeg

As per usual, I have tabulated the results of the experiment into a spreadsheet and graphed the results in terms of the angle, elapsed time, and rising rate. Similar to the findings in #MESExperiments 12, as the angle becomes less steep, the rising rate exponentially increases.


Retrieved: 26 July 2019
Archive: Not Available

Screenshots of Angles and Elapsed Time

The data collected in the spreadsheet come from the following screenshots of the corresponding angles and elapsed time of the gyro experiment.

74 Degrees Angle Position.jpeg

0-32 Position 70 Degrees Angle.jpeg

1-00 Position 60 Degrees Angle.jpeg

1-16 Position 50 Degrees Angle.jpeg

1-25 Position 38 Degrees Angle.jpeg

1-30 Position 25 Degrees Angle.jpeg

1-32 Position 14 Degrees Angle.jpeg

Weight Measurements

This particular gyroscope is 161.31 g including the stem and only 158.98 g without the stem (thus the stem is 161.31 - 158.98 = 2.33 grams).

Regular Gyroscope 161.31 g.JPG

Regular Gyroscope - Minus Peg 158.98 g.JPG

Note that my earlier gyroscope experiments involving the more precise gyroscope had a weight of 150.68 g with the stem and 148.62 without the stem (thus the stem is 150.68 - 148.62 = 2.06 grams).

Precision Gyroscope - Minus the Peg 148.62 g.JPG

Thus, the gyroscope in this video was about (161.31 - 150.68) / 150.68 = 10.63 / 150.68 = 7.05% heavier than the precision gyro in my earlier experiments. In later experiments, as well as in my game-changing #AntiGravity Part 6 video(s), I show that the combination of both spin speed and heavier weight act as a “multiplicative” factor in increasing the rising rate.

Stay Tuned for #MESExperiments 14…

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