The beauty of KAREN~@mermaidvampire / (enrich the smart, smart and kind girl that is KAREN / @mermaidvampire in local language to steemians aceh / indonesia in a short video) + 5th steemgigs Discord TalkShow



Hi ulogers and steemgigers all, this is a photo that I took from post @mermaidvampire and I edit it, then I print, my attempt here is to show photo @mermaidvampir in my video is to explain about who he is for steemian friends especially in my area, this idea all arise because I joined my friends in the village where I live a lot who questioned who @mermaidvampire,



because honestly I say many of us players #steemit #indonesia especially in my area #aceh many who use discord and not a few who also joined the #steemgigs on discord, and there are follow the conversation with @surpassinggoogle in discord but the average less understanding english let alone hear, including me, so here i already understand who @mermaidvampire although honestly I say from someone who is also steemgigers fluent his English because he English teacher at high school in my village live ,,, from that I took the initiative to create an Indonesian video to help promote and answer questions steemgigers friends Indonesia about who is a strong woman named KAREN this or known as @mermaidvampire,


do not stop here, continue to support people always help us to rise here is @surpassinggoogle, because we all know that he never discriminates us here, he also said "I will still appreciate even if you are not gifted"
@surpassinggoogle is light in darkness ,,,

okay all its do not forget to follow and subscribe youtube @surpassinggoogle for new video which usable for us ,,,


Kindly follow and subscribe to @surpassingoogle on youtube to get more update. to go to @surpassinggoogle youtube link click:

thanks, best regard to:
@surpassinggoogle / @ulogs , @mermaidvampire , @maverickinvictus , @uloggers and @good-karma

And success to:
#steemgigs, #ulog, #teardrops, #untalented, #steemsecrets, #witness, #witness-category, #steemitachievers and #esteem


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