Don’t Assume! Always Consult an Expert


The most trending news Pakistan was running on the television the other day and it was about a new mental health clinic in Multan. The name of the clinic is “Spring Clinic” and it is a subsidiary of Mukhtar A. Sheikh Hospital, MASH.

The clinic was in the breaking news Pakistan because it successfully treated a patient who had multiple mental disorders. The best psychiatrists in Multan who practice at the Spring Clinic implemented all their experience and knowledge to treat the patient.

What problems did the patient suffer from?

The patient had speaking disorders and he was also suffering from schizophrenia. Along with these the anxiety and depressive modes come along. The patient was in very critical condition and it was pretty difficult to handle. Before visiting Spring Clinic the patient consulted multiple doctors in many other mental health clinics in Multan but there was no improvement.

The best psychiatrists in Multan who are practicing in Spring Clinic took the case as a challenge and they devotedly worked to cure the patient and his condition is certainly moving towards betterment.

What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a mental disorder in which the one suffering deals with a range of cognitive, behavioral, and emotional problems. The patient may experience delusions, hallucinations, and trouble speaking. This patient already had speaking problems, how worse the situation would have been for him. To treat any ailment first of all a doctor analyzes the root cause of that issue.

The reasons for which that problem aroused and in what capacity it is hurting the patient. Technically speaking the exact reasons which cause schizophrenia is still somehow unknown. But the research puts light on multiple factors. The combination of which can be considered as the cause of the disorder.

  • Physical factors
  • Genetic factors
  • Psychological factors
  • Environmental factors

Every patient comes from a different background and dynamic. Hence has a different cause and reason for the problem and to reach the core of the problem. The doctors need to thoroughly examine the patient by questioning everything related to him. From every little detail of his past to his current life to the ambitions he wanted to pursue.

The best psychiatrists in Multan thoroughly studied the patient

Following the breaking news Pakistan, the newscasters further told that when the patient was brought to the best mental health clinic in Multan which they were referring to as “Spring Clinic” the best psychiatrists in Multan who were present there at the time made thorough examinations and checked the patient on following parameters.

  • Firstly they checked if any predisposition to schizophrenia runs in the family of the patient. Genetics has a great influence on the patient. If someone in the family had this disease the coming generations would be more prone to having schizophrenia.

  • After checking the genetic history the doctors moved forward and checked if the patient is having any excessive release of dopamine in his body. Sometimes the chemical imbalance in the body also triggers schizophrenia.

  • Then after this, the doctors further moved and figured out the kind of life he has lived. For instance the family life of the patient, his relationships, his marital status. And other such things to figure out whether he was living a happy life or was under some stress. This is the most important area because from here many problems arise and its study also suggests appropriate solutions which sometimes are very beneficial.

  • The use of drugs and alcohol is another factor that can be the root cause of schizophrenia. If a person is a drug addict. Then losing control over reality would be easier for him than for the person who is not an addict. The patient was not addicted to anything.

What happened to this patient?

In this case, the patient went through some hyper-emotional stresses which made him schizophrenic. When he was already suffering from a speaking disorder. The bad luck happened in his case because the patient was brought to the mental health clinic in Multan very late, as the family kept thinking the patient was possessed by some supernatural being.

This was the reason which made the incident the most trending news in Pakistan and came on TV as breaking news in Pakistan. Had the patient been seen by the psychiatrists in Multan earlier the condition of him would never have gone this worse! Hence, in any such case, you should always consult with an expert, rather than only making assumptions by yourself.

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