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Hubby is moaning again 👨😡 he's never happy 🥵🥵 Our house is now officially ours 🏡😍

Getting back into a routine after having hubby off work for 3 weeks has been hard and slow, hard to believe its only his second day back at work, We have hump day tomorrow then the 2 days until the weekend. We have no plans as we are all feeling the hangover from the holidays, not through drunk but through lying in, having so much rest to now getting out of bed at 5.30 to cook porridge for hubby's breakfast then end him on his way to work.

One good thing about hubby getting back to work after the holidays work has ordered a very large skip as the site is just finished, hubby is allowed to take as much rubbish as he can and skip it at work. Him being a bricklayer can be very handy at times, if we need something they are using they allow u to take some e.g bricks, wood from the joiners, wires from the electricians.

Hubby is being a wimp at the moment. I am having another hot flush, they are coming quick and fast, I have to keep the fan on to keep my temperature down, here's hubby protesting against the fan.


He sits and moans about how cold it is, rants about him having to work out in the cold all day then come home to shiver. I have told him I can't help it, its better he adds clothes rather than me walking around the house naked, he says he knows I can't help it but does he really understand, I doubt it very much and I am fed up of trying to explain it.

He is exactly the same in bed, he wrap himself in the mattress huffing and puffing about the bedroom fan going off now, I laugh at him now as its pathetic how he acts. He needs to go through a few days as me then see how he feels, I am sure he would still have something to moan and rant about.

We received our deeds for our house today, our mortgage is paid off so the deeds are now ours. We never thought it would end then here we are property owners, not that we will benefit from it as we are passing it straight on to the girls when we are older. They can have the fun of selling and removing all the contents. They can enjoy some extra money, something me and hubby never received from our parents. We have worked hard to buy this place not its ours we can rest, relax and enjoy the extra money we have now since the debts have been cleared.

Another day nearly over, bedtime again. Hubby is watching his Zombies so time to bed for me and the pups. Zombie films are so boring and all the same..

Thank you for visiting. 💟💟

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