The Brightest Memories of Childhood

For some reason, childhood memories are always connected with sensations. At home for years, my favorite flower grows in the front garden. Then the mother said it was daisies. And now the photo of Yandex was given to me that they were in September. Maybe because I remember they bloomed in the early fall.

They are just that color.

There are always other flowers, but for some reason I like this the most. And now, the more they make me positive emotions.

Years have passed since then, but when I see them in the city flower beds, I always remember myself and it was very pleasing to the soul.

And I also remember the incredible mattiola smell. These flowers grow from my aunt, whom I love so much and often visit. In appearance, this is a simple flower, but at night they emit an extraordinary aroma, delicious aroma. Aunt lives in a private house, and then she gets an apartment. The house is located next to the river, on the other side where so much mattiola grows so that the smell is felt from a distance. And again I admire him at night. Apparently, fate was so ordered that the mattiola scent with me was so long.

And I remember the flowers of corn growing in fields with wheat. It was very beautiful - golden wheat and a number of bright blue cornflowers. Maybe I like it because I like the combination of yellow and blue. For some reason, I now very rarely see cornflowers in the fields.


I only saw one cornflower in the summer on the grass, but unfortunately the photo didn't work as well as I tried. There are strong winds and the smartphone camera doesn't handle it, but I myself. But I still save this photo.
This is my most easily influenced memories from childhood.

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