There is No Herd I-moo-nity to the new Mu-Variant

I thought I would try my hand at a #meme for the new Mu variant using images from Creative Commons. The first picture is titled Cattle Returning Home


Just In: The CDC warns of the latest COVID19 variant coming from the south.

The Moo variant is noted for its ability to make people mill about like cattle.

Due to the increased potency of the Moo variant, the CDC recommends wearing a bandana in addition to an N95 mask and added that wearing a rim hat and cowboy boots is an additional recommended precaution.

Of course a ten-gallon hat, cowboy boots and chaps are a fitting apparel to most of life's challenges.

Initial placebo controlled tests indicates that chewing tobacco might decrease infection rates. However the the clincian performing the trial noted the chewing tobacco was more disgusting than the disease itself and refused to clean up the clinic first phase of the clinical trial.


The CDC has also updated its social distancing guidelines and recommends that people stay at least one horse length apart and recommends avoiding crowds as they fear that groups infected with the MOO variant might stampede.

There is no herd i-MOO-nity to the Moo variant. The CDC director suggests everyone just sit back and chew the cud and let this one ride out.


The closing image has the title Restless Cattle

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