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Do You Have a "MEMElord" Amount of MEME tokens?

Post by @holovision

This is an idea I had for adapting the internet slang term "memelord" which Wiktionary defines as:

A person known for creating or distributing memes (usually humorous material copied and circulated online).

In terms of MemeHive tribe "MEMElord" would be a user with a lot of MEME tokens (a.k.a. MEME upvote power). Maybe not necessarily staked MEME but a lot of MEME in their wallet which could potentially be staked at any moment. Maybe "MEMElord" should be a user with a lot of liquid MEME tokens and a "MEMELORD" would be a lot of staked MEME.

Meme template Source: Rick and Morty

Think of it this way: MEMElors(MEMELORDS?) are like Time Lords from Doctor Who. All Time Lords are Gallifreyan but not all Gallifreyans are Time Lords. Likewise all MEMElords have a lot of MEME but not every user with MEME in their token wallet is a MEMElord.

Basically "MEME token whale" everywhere else in the Hive community is what a "MEMElord" would be in terms of MemeHive tribe nomenclature.

Where does the line between MEME token holder and "MEMElord" get drawn? Like the meme above states it's not canonical yet. The MEME token richlist is available on if you want to decide for yourself.

MEME token on Hive just launched yesterday. Legacy HODLers who traded their Steem MEME for the current version could be labeled "MEMElords" now due to the head start. Maybe after a few months of token distribution other users will take their position.

If we use the distinction between "MEMElord" and "MEMELORD" described above then at the time of this posting other than myself @emergehealthier is the only other "MEMELORD" based on staked MEME. In terms of MEME balance at the time of this posting "MEMElords" would most likely be be: @edkarnie, @darkmrmystic, @axeman, @muna01, @r1s2g3, @marc-allaria, @jkj.

Probably around @rentmoney would currently be where the line for "MEMElord" would be drawn so @loonatic, @hippie-witha-gun, @justclickindiva, @sevenoh-fiveoh, @thahodler, and @b-hive would be potential MEMElords if they had more MEME in their wallet.

Again, MEME token just launched recently and the rankings can change. MEME tokens are available on and can be earned using one of the MemeHive tags on a post containing at least one meme: #meme, #memes, #memehive, #hive-104024.