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Want to quit smoking


Doni is a heavy smoker. In fact, you could say he was addicted to smoking. But he intends to quit, and look for ways to quit smoking. Doni went to a doctor for a consultation.

Doni: "please dock give me a hint so that my smoking habit can disappear"

Doctor: "Are you really intent on stopping?"

Doni: "yes dock, I've tried various ways but my addiction is still aja gah lost"

Doctor: "Ok I have one method that is very extreme of course .. But this is powerful loh .. This way every way you want to smoke, the cigarette you apply aja tai chicken then you kiss, you must be disgusted and baseball will want ngisep cigarettes, do it over and over every time you feel like smoking until you really do not want to smoke anymore "

Short story because Doni really want to stop smoking, Doni practiced the doctor's advice and a few months later he came back to see a doctor

Doctor: "Well, you're the one who want to stop smoking right now, how can I work my method?"

With a high tone and full of emotion Doni unfold that already happened

Doni: "Your method works, dock, now I'm not addicted to cigarettes anymore."

Doctor: "Good dong, then?"

Doni: What good is that? Now I am even addicted to ngisep tai ayam !!! "