Melasma, how to behave in summer?

The relationship between melasma and sun is very close. Melasma is a rather common aesthetic skin disorder that affects almost exclusively women and is characterized by the appearance on the face of dark spots, on shades of brown. The stains are the result of overproduction of melanin. How should women with this blemish behave in the summer? We talk about it with Alessandra Narcisi, a Humanitas dermatologist.

Melasma, summer and winter

The stains tend to appear mainly on cheeks, upper lip, nose, forehead. The reason why they appear is not clear, probably because of hormonal causes and this would also explain the frequency of melasma in women waiting for sweet. This disorder is also known as a "pregnancy mask". Other factors also play an important role, including genetic predisposition, stress and the use of perfumed creams, photosensitizing drugs or contraceptive pills.

These stains are due to the excessive production of melanin, the pigment that, in addition to giving the color typical of tanning, protects the skin from ultraviolet rays of the sun. This is why, with the stimulus given to the skin by sun rays, the spots are darkened. With the seasons, in fact, the gradation of the stains varies: in winter, when the sun is less bright, they merge with the rest of the skin while already from spring, and then in summer, the contrast is more glaring.

Sunbathing is not precluded and, as for all women with melasma, protection is fundamental:"It is necessary to protect the skin with sun creams with a high protection factor (50 or more factor), which are not perfumed; they must not expose themselves during the hottest hours or, if they cannot be avoided, other protective devices must be used as a precaution such as goggles and hats".

Read the product label carefully

Be careful, however, because some products, including sun creams, can make melasma worse:"If they are fragrant or contain photosensitizing substances. To avoid this, it is necessary to read the list of substances contained in the specific product, or rather rely on the prescription of the dermatologist ", recommends the specialist.

What can be done after sunbathing? During the winter, special treatments can be carried out to lighten stains of a homemade nature, such as micropeeling and lightening creams, or targeted dermo-cosmetic treatments at dermatological centres, such as deeper peeling, or laser ", concludes Dr. Narcisi.

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