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Imaginary Orange Juice can improve your health. - The Savvy Sorcerer

A simple way used by Eastern Mystics to improve their health is described below.

While meditating imagine a tap above your head that can fill your body with Orange Juice.

Now imagine your body is clear like glass. You can see the Orange Juice when it starts pouring through you.

Turn it on and envision the Orange Juice traveling through your body. It cannot enter any region of your body without thought so take turns with each part of your body envisioning your Orange Juice flowing through them.

Imagine it coursing through your veins. Traveling up and down your arms and legs. See it wrapping around your lungs, heart and every organ you are aware of.

In the end, you will be filled with a large quantity of imaginary sticky Orange Juice inside of you.

Hold it inside for one minute.

Now. Imagine a tap from your toe that can drain the Orange Juice.

Drain the Orange Juice from your body using the opposite approach from when you were filling it. See it drain from your arms, legs, head, heart, etc...

Now you sit empty. Devoid of Imaginary Orange Juice. Still transparent as glass.

Now.. Using your minds eye think upon areas of your body where the Orange Juice still clings.

These could be your problem areas.

The areas of your body where you can still sense Orange Juice could be problem areas for your health.

[NOTE: I teach healing, meditation, and authentic magik. This does NOT mean I would endorse avoiding Western Medicine. ALWAYS SEE A DOCTOR WHEN POSSIBLE FOR YOUR HEALTH (caps for emphasis). The world is a Buddhist style dream we share where everyone's expectations combine to form "reality". This means while Western medicine is held in such High regard. It is also spiritually your best bet for healings. Compliment Western Medicine with Yogic Breathing, Prana storage and directioning, and whatever other healing techniques you wish to employ.]

If you have Imaginary Orange Juice sticking to various portions of your insides using this method, then you have subconscious indicators of possible health issues in those regions.

This is not a "story". This method has been used for centuries to detect ailments by Hindu and Buddhist Gurus.

I will say that the Orange Juice could be replaced with any number of sticky substances as you prefer.

Trust in your subconscious and see a Doctor just to be safe.

Good luck. Many people can benefit from this and this is for them.


Wayne Hilborn (author of "The Savvy Sorcerer", etc.)