Sitting Meditation, Facing Fears and Worry

You know a blizzard can’t stop this little mama from taking baby boy out on a hike the first minute we can. 💜

Yesterday baby Anjel and I went out to Ute Valley. It was pretty muddy and it was sunny and fairly warm.

There is a small creek in the bottom of the valley and it’s very stagnant and you hardly ever hear the water running.


Yesterday the water was rushing down, sounded like a large waterfall. It was beautiful.


I love how the water wears down the rocks, it’s a symbol of how even through water seems soft and harmless, it has the forcefull power to completely change landscapes.


I felt called to come sit facing the canyon with the light hitting my face.


Sitting Mediation: Sit comfortably with your face towards the sun, make sure the sun hits your third eye.

Take deep breaths and begin to notice your body. Imagine your body is like roots and it’s sending it’s roots into the earth to be nourished. Allow your body to feel the grounding energy.

Now focus on your third eye in your minds eye. Feel the sun on your third eye and all the colors it creates. Once you are settled here allow your fears to surface. Feel the fear, allow it to be with you and place it in the light in your third eye and be with it, meditate with it and watch what happens.

You can also send Rhodes fearful thoughts through your grounding roots your have energetically placed into the earth, allow your worry and fear to go into Mother Earth to be alchemized. Feel your fears and worry dissipate as you face them.

Allow your thoughts to just be what they are, no judgement. Give yourself permission to feel what you are feeling, give it to your third eye or your “roots” and let it go.

At the end, allow big deep breaths to bring you back into the moment. End by surrounding yourself with rose gold light as a protection and final cleansing of your aura.

Give gratitude, give thanks, and watch your energy shift quickly.

Hope you enjoy these techniques as much as I do.💜

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