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Media as a tool of control for 4 decades

By Nina Hill


Being born in a rural village close to the Arctic Circle, little did I know how the world works outside the TV and radio with 2 channels. Fear porn has been the thing for as long as I remember.

One of the earliest memories was, when a nuclear reactor blew up 2000kms away and everyone was scared due the media influence. Another term used daily was the greenhouse effect, where the temperatures would go sky-high in a decade.

Being in the neighboring country of USSR and the media being funded by the World Bank and the IMF, the fearmongering of the Russians is still going on till this day. Also the country was part of the EEC, which later became the EU.

This was the time, when the cooperative-based democratic socialism was turned into a neoliberal nightmare. The currency Markka became a “floating” currency, which the foreign bankers could manipulate as they will.

Many politicians got caught from taking bribes, but they invented the term neo-moralism to silence the media showing the corruption. As always, the politicians were above the law in courts.


The USSR changed the name to Russia, which made US the last superpower. Many western parts became part of the Council of Europe, others got “independence”. Also Yugoslavia was done after Tito had died, NATO was using the media to make neighbors fight each other. And finally carpet bombed the areas with nuclear waste casings.

Finnish government along with other European counterparts signed the Maastricht deal, which was the EU Federal constitution. It resulted in trade bans to Russia and in order to control the state, Goldman Sachs crashed the Markka so people would accept the Euro.

Also the WWW and personal computers became more popular, one of the most interesting aspects of IT was, that Unix/Linux was created in Finland, but hardly nobody uses it till this day. So Linus moved across the great ocean, while Nokia started to make communication technology, like the indestructible legendary models which still work.

One recent discovery of this “Finnish Titanic” called Estonia was that it seems to have a huge hole on the side, but the media has only explained the incident involving the loading dock door being slipped off for some odd reason.


At the beginning of the new millenia became this War of Terror, due some skyscrapers crashing down at free fall speed. Resulting in many still on-going wars and having a One World Police.

Euro coins and bills were introduced and Markka would become an obsolete currency. Facebook became the go-to platform for many groups, it used to be uncensored and my first profile hit the max friend limit in no-time. Then the algorithms started to control everything.

The media campaign for Bird Flu was uncessiful, since there are so many different strains to choose from. So does Coronaviruses, but who cares about biology, right?

One of the biggest resource grabs from poor to rich happened in 2008, where the bankers crashed the economies once again. The one who controls money, controls the society. Global Warming became the new scarecrow and EU got 12 more “disciples”.

At the end of the decade, the WHO declared a H1N1 Plandemic, which has been discovered even from deceased bodies having masks on a century ago, named The Spanish Flu. Coincidence, right?


Fukushima reactor melted and a Icelandic volcano erupted, the media made people crap themselves once again. A few thousand Africans died of poor nutrition and diagnosed with Ebola, so another medical scare was ready.

The EU statehood was declined by Ukranians, which resulted into an still on-going war in Europe. The Arab spring organized by NATO resulted in slave markets in Libya, after the leader was pulled to the streets, beaten and raped with a knife.

Since the Taliban was no longer a mainstream scare, the US-funded and armed “rebels” called ISIS became the go-to excuse. Isn't it weird, that NATO finds targets only in places with rich material resources?

The biggest scam in human history is still on-going, a WEF project to administrate a social credit system globally, which works perfectly in China. A perfect society, nobody has anything to complain, even with the sterilization program of Muslims and Christians.

The excuse is of course a new black plague called C, since most people are accustomed to believe everything they see on the TV screen. All the conflicting information is deleted from the most used social media platforms, or will be in a short period of time. Who checks the Fact-checkers?

There is no scientifically provable test for coronaviruses, PCR uses exponential multiplication, and the quick antibody tests can show whatever. So there actually is no real proof, that the thing even exists. One simple hoax can result in full-blown Totalitarianism, like in Spain today. Perhaps the CO-VID is foremost a mental disease?