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Five on Hive

Although not strictly true, that's the message I received late yesterday evening.

So far the Facebook photo has received 113 likes and 48 comments, half of which are mine. That's about 25% of my friends on FB, I wish 25% of them were here. Some do have Hive accounts but none of them are posting anything at present.

Perhaps they are too busy playing Farmland or something - a free game with adverts, where you earn nothing but a flat ass. Anyway, I wonder if I'll get 20 odd comments today? Even if not, I suspect I'll take a little crypto away for my time and for sharing a personal photo.

I also wonder if I should add more photos to FB and add some text like 'Share your life on Hive and I'll give you some money'. Or, 'I give $20 to my friends every day for posting photos'. They need bit of work but you get the idea, and maybe I'll get a comment or two asking what Hive is. Maybe.

My close friends know I'm here. I share the occasional post with them, a few questions are asked and that's about as far as it goes. I wonder what the response would be like if the headline/post title was 'Thanks a million Hive - Early retirement beckons'.

I actually don't think that is too much of a stretch. Hive at $5 and another 5x on Splinterlands card prices would do it. Then there are the LEO, CUB, DEC, SPS, and other tribe tokens (heads up, STEM is about to moon) as well, and RisingStarGame - more packs to open 😁

Five months or five years, I'll take either. Especially as I'm not searching for content each day to feel like my account is growing, relative to time spent or otherwise. There is much more to do here than 5 years ago, so much that I don't think it's possible to keep track of everything. That's pretty cool though I reckon.

I mentioned to a few people this morning that I'd like to see who's still around with an account created on the same day as mine or earlier:

  • Hello lk666 (Mexico), gunnarkaiser (Germany), rucoin (Russia) - the other accounts created on the same day as mine who have created some content in the past month

  • 266 accounts with a creation date earlier than '16-Aug-2016 20:39' have made a post/comment in the past month

  • 219 accounts with a creation date earlier than '16-Aug-2016 20:39' have made a 'root post' in the past month

More than I suspected. And it's interesting to see more of them commenting than creating root posts / top level posts / (the ones you get the most Hive for).

Well this post text feels a bit disjointed, I am very much out of practice with regards to getting my head down and hammering 500 words out - just about made it though 😜

Thank you to everyone for supporting my content and keeping me company on this journey. I do feel that we are heading in the right direction and that this year could well hold more surprises yet. If not, I suspect I'll still be knocking around in 5 more years (cause I do want 1 million!), but perhaps by then you wont need to scroll down tables of names or consume as many pies (charts).

Have a good one!
