Jessica Jones Season 2 Episode 1 Review


With Kilgrave dead in the last season as Jessica snaps his neck, who will be she fighting now?

Apparently some superhero named Whizzer

In this season of Jessica Jones, we see that because of Trish talk Jessica is now being seen as freak and labelled as a murderer, just because she snapped Kilgrave's Neck. (thanks Trish)

However something comes back in her life which was mentioned in season 1 of Jessica Jones, how she got her powers? and so far this seems to be the premise of the whole show.

But whizzer is only part of the problem and not the whole problem himself, it seems he tried on many occasion to convince Jessica that something was hunting them down and Jessica didn't believe him until her got her to talk by pointing a gun at her, then suddenly he just ran. how rude

A few moments down the chase we see Jessica see the whizzer, being killed in an accident, as construction parts come tumbling down on him. This shocks and thinks that the monster chasing him did it

we have a new side antagonist, call Peng who is going to team up with Jerri and make Jessica's life more troublesome than it already is.

Peng is just another and more popular PI, who wants to make Jessica work under him and Jessica being Jessica, tells him to fuck off. I'm glad to see this because then we see what kind of an asshole Peng is, when Jessica beats the shit out of him.

Then the episode ends with Jessica discovering the place she was experimented on and has a flashback of a guy with a hideous face, supposedly saving her. The writers probably want us to think that he is the main antagonist of the tv show, but we know better that he maybe in fact an ally.

If you've watched this episode of Jessica Jones, tell me what you think?

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