

I was thinking about wearing the dresses in Jainamaj, those days, when no one else would sit next to Jainamaj, the lipstick from the dressing table will not be painted on the wall, all over the face! No one comes with ribbons, comb, oil, and will not say, 'Gird up your hair!' Come to this room and lie down on the bed and say 'Mother is depressing too much'! In front of the mirror, nobody will say, 'How did mother look like?'
How would you say that today my daughter Nilara married!

When I came to the kitchen, I put tea in the stove, the straw made by the spice was made to make the bread with another stove and began to wear water in the stomach.
Hearing her yesterday, the girl laughed, 'The mother will be gone tomorrow, so roast the rice with the rice in the morning.' There will be no one else, and no one will say, 'Bring the mother to bed', 'Mother rains after rain', 'Mother will have tea to eat tea'!
Today my little girl, leaving my sky moonlight leaving us, leaving me to leave the house. How can I stay in this empty room?

When I first came to the bathroom and vomited when I came to the bathroom, the mother-in-law came beside me and said to stay calm with water. And when I was giving good news of being a child, I was shocked by the shame of being a child, first when I looked up in my lap, I saw my daughter Neela, my second child!

Plate the bread, take the cucumber to the bowl, take out the cup of her cup from the rack and set the tray and toss it to her room, it seems that no one will ever come to help in cooking this kitchen!
Calling somebody to stop the stove, rice straw, fish reversing, chopping vegetables, and not to mention the yellow pepper beats!

Going to the storeroom, I saw the eyes of Nilea shoes! When the girl ran on the small feet, I used to take her food and ran from her house to the lodge. Going to school, she said that the girl has become very big today!
Just remember the box next to the pair of wedding sandals, reminding me that this girl is wearing my foreskin feet today, after leaving this house, this bondage will be torn away!

Diving came near to the book, the school started to go out, school-college, while going to university, I ate a little while in my hands and the girl would run to go out. Someone will have to sit for food, and no one will say, 'Mother, eat it!'

The next bookstyle is being talked about, so the day when the whisper first speaks A, A, E. Do not sit in front of the girl waiting at the time of the exam and will not say, 'Do not see your daughter got GPA five!' No one will ever say, 'Your daughter is a graduate today!'

Calling the clouds outside, I ran on the roof and ran to the roof, took the girl's sariata and covered me with tears in my chest with tears, and I felt shy, and she remembered, this sari and she will not be worn. And nobody will catch the Eid, and no one will insist on buying sarees!

It is raining and the tears of my tears are being formed in the water. Belly, rosemary, rose flowers are wet in the corner of the roof. This is exactly where my daughter used to come to the wet to the rain and no one will come here today!

Because of his father's admiration, the girl's will, on the one hand, will not sit in the afternoon and do not read the books, going to eat tea while eating and singing, no one will sing, from today on this roof! How do I tolerate?

There is a lot of work to do, that's what keeps me busy! Do not forget to delete the eyes to remove what to do!

With age, I do not remember anything like that! The woman should take the bath in the stove, take the bath, take the boy to the store, bring it to the shop, say to the buoya chilli, ginger paste, go to the toilet, to bring the blouse, to call the parlor, send to the father of Nilara at the Community Center, the relatives who will come to stay The room will be cut, the jewelry will be found out, the girl's bag must be packed!

And first of all, my daughter, Neela, has to be called, the girl gets back to the room and does not want to go in front of me! The legs are heavy, the pair is dragged down! I have to go!
The mothers who have to stay strong, overcome all obstacles to go ahead,

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