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Fresh starts. Giving 10 steem away!

headerFresh, refresh, relapse?
imageToday I am pondering the concept of a fresh start given as a gift in marriage. A gift, you say, yes I give odd gifts. A new beginning, to let the past go focusing on forward motion. This idea is to cause bringing about excitement such as found at the novel and elusive beginning of courtship phase.
My thoughts on this idea is inquisitive; will a fresh start not lead to a quick and steady relapse of failure as it is the only compromise a couple can agree upon? Being that it basically is an agreement to truce, no one wins, no one loses, no one gains, no one forfeits. That leaves the same Core issues still not being addressed and resolved.
I will give 10 steem to random commenters on this post if they simple answer with their thoughts on fresh starts. Looking for advice, research,helpful hints.