become a professional marketer!


My new article is simple and very specific to help you get off! Have you ever wondered what you need to become a successful marketer? But more than that Do you want companies to ask you by name and succeed in any marketing job? So read carefully what you are writing and make sure you get these skills because it will benefit your career honestly.

At first I will tell you what the company president wants and why you will be appointed as a marketer. Some people believe that marketing is simply delivering company information or products to the customer and the quantity of customers that can deliver the information to them. Well, this part and the other is how many customers will make them come to search for you again and again. The difference I'm trying to make clear to you here is the difference between Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing. I can come to you to see the article, this is Outbound, but to let you share your email to follow all the new articles on the site, this is Inbound.

Hence you must understand that the marketing process you will be doing will depend on the two parts of how you reach customers and how they make them come to search for you and follow you. So as a company manager or marketing department I expect you to be able to:

  1. Delivery of company information to the required category.

  2. Create a cohesive society that loves the name of the company.

  3. Writing articles and content continuously.

  4. Improve articles to suit search engines.

  5. Manage social sites and their content.

In order to do these tasks you must have specific skills. These skills will put you in two. The first are skills related to you and your behavior. The second is skills related to the tools and marketing you may need. Skills related to your behavior include:

1 - love knowledge: With the constant change in technology and marketing methods you should be following what happens by your nature. Do not expect the company to update you on everything that has changed in social sites. So you have to be a lover of knowledge so you can follow these changes.

2 - Sufficient for responsibility: A successful marketer can take responsibility quickly and take decisive and dangerous decisions in a tight time. You will not be able to communicate with your manager to tell him that someone is complaining about the company online or that the advertising campaign is not going well in its first hours. There are too many times and positions you should make quick and sound decisions.

3 - Team member: The way you deal with each individual will vary depending on the person's personality. Some of them will treat you friendly and other times officially. So you should be able to integrate with the team and its variables professionally.
The skills related to tools and marketing may be too many but you should focus on the following to become a successful marketer.

4 - Skill writing: friendly of the most important skills that leave you very distinct from the rest. You can write in a way that gives the audience an end to your article from the first title to the conclusion. Sometimes the skill of writing is more important than your theoretical knowledge of marketing.

5 - Marketing skill: Here, I bring you the same marketing knowledge theories and terminology. If you do not understand what it means to market or slice customers and other terms it is difficult to continue as a marketer. Everything that has increased this skill has gained a higher degree than the rest of your colleagues.

6 - Understanding industry: You are a professional marketer, but your age, what you like cars, for example, will not help you to work in the field of marketing by car. Understanding the industry in which you are a hobbyist is one of the most important skills that need constant study and development.

7 - Excel program: Your skills in Excel must exceed the basic skills to use the functions and advanced use of Pivot tables and charts, for example. It helps you to analyze pages and site continuously.

8 - Design images: If you can convert your articles and content to a beautiful format, electronic books, Infographics, or many other formats will have a very powerful feature not found in many people. The feature de will be very necessary at the company because many companies will be willing to provide designer money.

9 - Video production: It is not necessary to be a good product, you can use video programs, and video recording professionally, but your answer to them will make you a powerful addition to the team.

10 - Radian 6: It is one of the most famous programs that international companies use continuously. In an initial interview with WWE I was asked about my ability to use the program. And other global companies that have met with them. Is a program to monitor, analyze, and interact with content and people online.

Here my league is finished and the rest is on you. Learn the skills and deception distinctive in them. Everything that is appreciated supports the skills of De-Process applications, all of which are perfect, they will be easier and the confidence of the company in you will be higher. I hope you share my skills I did not mention because it will be useful to me and everyone.


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