3 qualities of suitable content for the web

Dear Hivers

Find everything, right away : this is the requirement of Internet users looking for information. This is the challenge for all entrepreneurs: to capture attention and convince in seconds . The competition is fierce because each individual receives thousands of requests every day.


To be successful, a content strategy must meet three conditions : the content must be easy to find and consume, and attractive enough that the consumer will want to share it.

The 3 keys to the success of your web content
Three ingredients for a successful content strategy. This approach, also called the 3S method : searchable - snackable - shareable, is summarized in the infographic you will find at the end of the article.

Key n ° 1: accessible content
With over 100 billion searches on Google every month, you have a vested interest in incorporating optimization into your web writing from the start and not as an afterthought.

It is not only a question of creating relevant content , capable of capturing the attention of your customers, but also and above all content whose keywords correspond to the themes of your sector of activity . In short, content that will bring you new prospects. A good content strategy begins by establishing a list of reference keywords .

Key n ° 2: Content should be digest easily.

We are getting huge content every dayand we consume them. It's like a question of sitting at a banquet table but rather of stopping briefly for a snack, when you have time. The same is true on the web.

It's about creating content that's quick to swallow and easy to digest . Your prospects are people in a hurry who want to get to the point. No need for long essays. Or, once in a while (a feature article every month is quite sufficient) - a bit like the banquet, which is appreciated all the more because it is rare.
Break up your content into small appetizing bites that will leave your reader feeling hungry (just a little!) And will make them want to come back for more.

Key n ° 3: content to share
People like and comment on content on Facebook over 3.2 billion times a day. So whenever you post content, ask yourself if anyone will find it interesting enough to share.

Quality content becomes a source of exchange and discussion . It is content that is shared on social and professional channels. This is sufficiently interesting content to make you want to invite colleagues and friends to read it. And if this content goes viral, it is a passion that spreads, it is a reputation that is created, it is a success that is sure to be shaping up.

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