#MarketFriday - Incoming Storm!


The blockchain Godmother @dswigle has deemed that Friday should be #marketfriday and the dude abides. Her latest post is definitely worth visiting here @dswigle/market-friday-silence-is-golden if you are even remotely inspired by photography, poetry, tropical memories and delicious food. If not, I am not sure why you would be reading this post. Unless, of course, you are into market Friday posts in the middle of winter! Either way, we have you covered.

While some are languishing in the tropical vibes or even the early arrival of spring, I am up here celebrating the eventual arrival of winter as another snow storm threatens to hit the region. Seeing as we have been spared from winter weather right into the middle of January, some early March snow is not such a bad thing.



While downtown for a couple client visits, I thought I should snaps few pics to show how we are doing in the middle of winter when we are farthest away from Market season. There has been a couple bouts of snow as evidenced by the collections between the cars and the clear sidewalks. Definitely mild when compared to previous winters as we surf the winter month of February into the ever optimistic March.


City Hall stands proud with the flag waving proudly despite the light traffic and notion of fewer people out and about. A couple days ago, we were warned about another snow storm imminently arriving and are starting to fatigue from the dramatic snowmageddon headlines. Maybe people can simply welcome the frozen precipitation without cancelling dining reservations, social gatherings and travel plans. Things seem pretty manageable in the early afternoon.


Traffic is sparse and there are plenty of parking spaces. Sure we hibernate in the winter but Friday afternoon should look a little more lively than this!



The locally-produced all-season chairs are not filled with butts and people enjoying what really is an enjoyable winter day. These are the Market chairs!



The summer market which fills the central courtyard seems many months from arriving. Are we so far from the warmer months when this scene would be dominated by the market tents, local vendors and tourists?


The square is not as impressive as it will be months from now but the buildings stand tall and will last this season as they have countless in the past.


As you can see, we are not in peak market season. There are rumblings of vendor boots and summer events in the courtyard, but we are bracing for perhaps 1 last winter blast of snow accumulation. I may as well stop into the taproom in the courtyard to enjoy a pint while everyone scrambles home.


As the day drew long, it was time to hit the dog park with my furry sidekick. As we were driving there, the flakes finally started to fall. The Fairweather dogwalkers soon departed and left us alone 'til the crazy people showed up in the snow storm to get their dogs some fun time. From this vantage point, I am safely in a shelter while people get snowed upon. blown at and my crazy guy approaches them from the right of the frame. You know these ones are the real dog lovers.


Sir fuzzyface joins me out of the wind for a few moments after another wave of parkies have come and gone. Hopefully, another round of cars will bring more dogs to play with.


As it turns out, we don't need any other dogs or people...or markets for that matter, to enjoy #marketFriday. All we need is to peruse the other posts from across the globe, make the best of the weather we are given, and have fun 'til we are in Market mode way up north here.

Happy Market Friday wherever you are!


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