Off To Imperial City

It was a crazy day today, it was very hot, followed by a crazy storm, I thought we were going to get a huge flood, all the heat made me want to drink some beer, so I said to the wife, Ill park the car outside the McDonald's, so you can use the free wifi and I will buy some beer at Imperial City, I had to throw a curveball, so many times I just go to the LCBO or beer store, so off I went in

They had lots lots of rad stickers on the door

They had an awesome donkey kong arcade game

And Ms Pacman

I was soo tempted to play , it broght back alot of great memories, but I resisted.
They had all sorts of merchandise for sale, like tshirts and cups and hoodies, but Il have to wait for another day to buy that.

They had a set up stage where people play music

They haf a huge tv there

I soo wanted to play this bean bag game they had there,

I ended up buying The Sarnia Sting Beer, they are an OHL hockey team, Steve Stamkos used to play for them. Also look out for Ty Voit and Nolan Burke in the NHL very soon , they both played for Sarnia last year

I also bought a mexican style beer, the lady there recommended it

Well I have to get home to drink these beers

#marketfriday is led by @dswigle
And #beersaturday is led by @detlev

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