Market Friday: cycling to my gardener’s house.

I miss #marketfriday and @dswigle. Usually I could never sync my post with the right day as my life seems to be flowing with the electromagnetic field and whirlwind too much. Since I have been down with a bad case of food poisoning, everything seems to have stop and life becomes animated in slow suspension. I have been sleeping all days after the exhausted and painful first day. (The body clock has gone haywire again in a reverse direction, that’s why I could post on Friday.) I even have the fear of having to go to the hospital where I would fervently avoid. Being somewhat psychic, I would unwittingly pick up people’s thoughts which caused me alarm in the past. So, I decided to request my alien friend to help me as this seems too serious to be ignored. In the past, I had witnessed the result of this wonderful healing on my cat’s big open wound in one night. Even the cat looked up at the tall alien who was standing behind me; unfortunately I couldn’t move my head at all.

This time I didn’t ask for a complete healing as I still want to pay for my past bad karma with pain. I just don’t want to go to the hospital where I have very little trust and faith in chemical medication. The new generations of doctors have not proven themselves to be skillful, righteous and sincerely concerned about the well being of their patients.

Recently my gardener suddenly had bad back pain. This happened after two days of cutting high branches. She might have twisted her waist and lower back while trying to reach branches higher up. The pain was so bad that she had to lay flat on wooden bed. So, I cycled to her house to see what I could do. I brought along a hot and cold pack which she might find useful.

The village during daytime was very quiet as most people were at work or in the fields. Her house looked nice with a new lick of paint, the garden is also well looked after by her son who is very fond of wild orchids and rare plants. I brought along two tubes of ointment and some healing stones. Looking at her back I coukd see that she had a bad accident as a child. She told me that she was thrown off a vehicle during a clash and suffered some bruise and pain. Her parents didn’t take her to hospital, that’s why I could see the crooked lower spine. That would cause her problems from time to time.

I used the healing stones to release her pain. She seemed calmer and felt much better after I rubbed some ointment on her back. My mistake was to give her the hot pack as she didn’t know how to move her back properly to accommodate the hot pack. I always assumed that people would have the same basic knowledge as mine about health issues in general.

She was feeling much improved until she tried to use the hot pack. Instead of placing it on the wooden bed, she lifted her lower back with force which shifted the positions of two vertebrae. She suddenly felt sharp pain while laying on the hot pack which made it worse. In this case, she should have used the cold pack to reduce the inflammation. She couldn’t sleep all night because of excruciating pain and her stomach was playing up too.

The following day I sensed that something went wrong, so I cycled to her house in the afternoon. She just came back from a famous clinic in town. Her son showed me the x-ray film, my gardener told me the doctor told her it’s normal symptoms of deterioration in her bone structures as she got older. As soon as I heard this diagnosis, I enquired about the prescribed medication. I sensed that this general practitioner didn’t ask my gardener how she was using her back recently, she didn’t even know how to read the x-ray film property. The general practitioner probably spent less than ten minutes with questioning my gardener.

So, she was given tablets for painkiller, tablets to reduce inflammation and tablets for wind in her stomach. After spending ten minutes searching the bad side effects of each tablet; I was quite shocked of the doctor’s irresponsibility. My gardener has high blood pressure problems, one tablet would certainly give her sudden rise in blood pressure and headache. The painkiller was far too excessive, the maximum dosage was 20 micrograms, but she was given 40 micrograms. The worst was the stomach pills which was giving her new problems rightsway; she felt like throwing up all the time. This one was quite toxic and would take up to 48 hours for the body to get rid of these heavy metals.

I requested her to show her back to me as the x-ray film looked rather alarming. Two vertebrae seemed to be crushed and glued together which would be very painful indeed. As I had suspected, her back was on the mend until my gardener lifted her lower back with force sideway; that’s how she made the matter much worse. I realised that I couldn’t help her with her karmic debt; so I told her that this pain was to pay for bad karma in the past. I advised her to do some prayers and ask for forgiveness for past wrongdoing. She became silent as I asked whehter she lifted her back to put the hotpack under her back. She was surprised that I could see everything clearly.

I told her that her bones had been shifted in very awkward positions which woukd cause a lot of pain. I told her to sleep with her face down so that less pressure would be put on her back. She suddenly felt much less pain but I couldn’t do much. We just had to wait for a day or two, these bones might return into their proper places. It would be too painful for me to try some Alexander Techniques, which was taught by an old friend, on my gardener. But I read all the adverse impacts of those tablets to my gardener and told her not to take any if she wanted to get well soon.

I had to return to fetch her my herbal tea, ginger tea, some vitamin tablets to keep her nourished as she could hardly eat. I also taught her the correct way to use the hot pack and told her that her vertebrae looked sunken and bent as they were pushed in the wrong way. I wished I has seriously learnt Alexander Techniques from my old friend; she was quite famous as she could heal our landlord with slipped disc in less than seven days. My German friend went for an operation for his slipped disc and couldn’t walk the same way again. Another of my close friend was teaching medical students at a well known medical college; so I heard lots of disappointing stories about young doctors.

I told her that her stomach upset would last two days, her blood pressure would go higher if she took all the prescription. The following day she went to see a well known traditional Thai masseuse who knew how to put tendons and bones back to their proper places. I was surprised to see her vertebrae became unsunken and the crooked bones were no longer crooked. She felt much less pain and she could begin to eat the following day. Had she taken those prescribed pills, her stomach and blood pressure would certainly be in troubles. I told her I rarely take chemical drug, only in emergency cases where I wanted specific results.

To my surprise, my gardener could ride her bike on the fourth day and life seemed to be back to normal once again. She did some small ceremony at the shrine in the back of my garden. I guessed she has realised what wrongdoing she did in the recent past, I just didn’t want to mention it to her as ‘losing face’ would be too humiliating. It was such a big relief to have a healthy and strong gardener. Later on I found her some acceptable tablets for her deteriorating joints which I used to take several years ago. The tingling sharp pain in her back disappeared in three days. Unfortunately she threw the X-ray film away though I told her to keep it for comparison with a new X-ray film in three months’ time.

Had I known I would be involved with lits of health problems, I would have accumulated lots of skills and knowledge from several of my friends who have become well known in their fields later on. But we specialised in our own different ways. Had my brain not been kept ‘empty’ without wordly pressures, I wouldn’t have the right capacity to develop psychi and healing abilities. But this path is quite hard on me as I had to be a black sheep among families and people. There is no turning back now especially after the plandemic and a future catastrophe pending sometime next year. I just don’t know how to save my families and friends from pending danger, they would think i was crazy, though they knew I was never wrong with my three major warnings on the past. It’s all very karmic so I have to learn to let go.

Wishing you peace, good health and prosperity

Stay strong and cheerful.

#marketfriday hosted by @dswigle

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