Market Friday Goes To Grandad's World Antiques Mall.....

I love consignment stores and junk shops. I use to go rambling through one of them at least once a week. It was my therapy, whether I found anything fascinating or not.

At Grandad's world, many people have "booths" where they sell their junk. The place use to be a Kmart Department store, if that in any way lets you imagine how large the place is.

Not everything there is valuable antiques, in fact most of it is not, but a lot of it is a least somewhat old.

This booth was worth a lot of grins. Someone had done a very fine job of making funky lamps from antique parts. Steampunk Lamps ! They were impossible not to love, even if they weren't your decorating style.

nov exit.jpg

Love the hunting horn addition.

nov exit hunting horn.jpg

So imaginative !

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A close of up the round gear boxes.

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Fun.... right?

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I'll tell you what wasn't fun.... their prices ! LOL EEEXXXXxxpensive !!... hundreds and hundreds more.

There were several more neat ones, but like below, some were hard to get photos of where they showed up well, because of the busy backgrounds from all the other booths.

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An antique airplane lamp. Hadn't seen one quite like it before.

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And if none of that was your cup-o-tea, on the other side of the Steampunk Lamp booth were some Bawdy House Lamps....LOL ... ok, ok... Victorian Lamps.... but still....

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That's it for today.

This is a holiday for me since July 4th is tomorrow and falls on a Saturday, my company gave us today as a holiday to celebrate. Add to this that I took Monday off and I have nice 4 day weekend to look forward too. I'm trying to enjoy every second, because you know how fast long weekends seem to fly by.

Hope you enjoyed the lamps and that you all have a very wondeful day.

I created this post for #marketfriday, hosted by the illustrious @dswigle

Love you .... Mean It !!


That's right, I didn't forget my flower ! 😀

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