Marketing Skills πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘‡


  • Successful Marketing Skills πŸ‘‡ 

All of us need marketing in their lives. Today marketing is no longer limited to the marketing of goods and services, but marketing extends to personal marketing too, which exceeds the marketing of companies and institutions very much, and we find one of the famous rules in marketing science that confirms that one does not know what marketing can not be marketed successful.

Marketing is a great part of it, which explains the success of traders and simple sellers in marketing their products without studying the marketing science. This helps them in the marketing skills that they possess without their knowledge. Therefore, we emphasize that many people possess marketing skills without being aware.

In order to be successful marketing you must have several skills:

First skill: related to your behavior.

Second skill: related to marketing tools and tools itself.

First, behavioral skills of marketing:

1 - must be characterized by the love of knowledge about marketing and everything related to the product you want to market, and love of knowledge stems from within the person so it is a behavioral skills of marketing.

2 - The marketer needs to be able to assume responsibility because the marketer requires him to make many decisions that require him to deal immediately with the positions encountered during the marketing process, which requires that be able to make decisions through the ability to assume responsibility.

a- As a marketer needs to work in a team, because marketing does not depend on one individual but marketing as a team so that marketing points do not conflict from person to person marketing team members.

The marketer needs to be flexible to help him with good marketing.

Marketing Tools

The marketing process does not succeed only by relying on personal skills of marketing, but requires several marketing tools are as follows:

1 - Study the area where you shop if you shop for cars You must know the components of the car and the benefits that you enjoy and if you work in the marketing of clothing must know the materials that made clothes, colors and prices and the difference between them and other products and so on.

2 - You need to choose the appropriate means of marketing, in the sense that the marketing medium commensurate with the product marketed to them and with the target group of the marketing campaign, may be marketing in electronic or non-electronic.

3 - marketing the product by supporting images whether these images are illustrative or expressive in addition to the real pictures.

4- The successful marketer, especially the e-marketer, needs to learn several programs to benefit from and marketing the product whether it is a good or a good idea, such as different design programs.

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