DEA keeps Marijuana locked up in Universities for Patent Research

The DEA has announced today they will keep Marijuana a schedule one drug with no obvious health benefits. 8.2 million people are arrested each year because of Marijuana and as a result many are injured. Perhaps the prohibition of marijuana isn’t about health at all maybe it’s about lobbying, money generated by fines, and an in road into taking away liberty.

The Unites States has a principle of law called equal protection.

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

Some states have allowed universities to grow Marijuana to for research. This really gets under my skin for two reasons. One why do universities have special rights when it comes to Marijuana?

The other more important reason is the Universities are making Patents based on their findings. This sets a dangerous president. If something is not allowed by the government but allowed for a special group. They will get all the future advantages of special privilege. Patent laws have been extended for hundreds of years and to make it worse, in the United States you have to be an accredited Investor to invest in a company.

To become an Accredited Investor you have to have a million dollars and make over 200k a year. This law makes sure only rich people can invest before a company goes public. Basically your prevented from making a good return on your money. The government is protecting you again...

A good example of this was the Oculus rift being purchased by Facebook. People on Kickstarter paid 300 dollars for a VR headset that is now obsolete. The Oculus raised 2.4 million dollars and was bought out by Facebook for two billion dollars. Instead of buying a VR headset had the original investments purchased a share of the company they would have seen a 145X return on their money or 43,000 dollars each. Enough money to keep them in VR for a long time.

The important message I am trying to convey is the opportunity to benefit from doing your own research is being taken from you and passed to others. Now don’t touch any Marijuana because your not the presidents daughter!

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