Legalize or legal lies?!?

So how's that LEGALIZATION working out for ya?

Are concentrates like rosin, shatter, budder, and distillate going to be legal?


Neither are edibles like brownies or candies. And almost nobody in Canada is going to be legal to grow 4 plants. Not that 4 plants is even enough! Why the restrictions? Can I still grow 5 tomato plants at home or is that being restricted to 4 also?

This isn't legalization, it's MONOPOLIZATION!
It's destroyed our business model through no fault of ours. We were told to vote in Trudeau and wait for legalization, and finally we wouldn't be called "criminals" anymore.

We're all tired of being criminals. We're all family people, most of us are patients, we're activists and good Canadians who obey almost every other law out there. We just know that cannabis laws are unjust, harmful, and immoral and we refuse to abide by them. For that, we're criminals!

And the guy we voted in to end that, was lying all along, and we're being made into even worse criminals than ever before, just for growing plants and extracting the resins!

We're criminals worthy of 14 years in jail because we grow plants and extract the resins.

Is that really legalization? How many more of our families need to lose someone to cancer, that could have been saved with the right cannabinoids and research? How many more need to suffer from incurable epilepsy and eventually go brain dead because their doctors only prescribe benzodiazpenes, since they don't know cannabis works? How many more dads need to rot in jail while their kids grow up being shamed for having a parent who grew or used cannabis?

These things have happened to us under prohibition, and the laws are getting even harsher on October 17th!

Shame on the liars who legally stole this country from trusting voters desperate for an end to Harper's endless war on cannabis! The classic Bait-and-Switch scam!!

This legalized monopoly is a protection racket - extortion! It goes directly against the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms 1982! Those who drafted these laws should be tried for treason!

#endcannabisprohibition #justsaynotolegalization #noprisonforpot #illegallyhealing #freetheweed

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