How to cultivate marijuana

Marijuana is an extraordinary plant: can survive almost anywhere on the planet. But to have fantastic results probably need some help. This comprehensive guide and easy to understand will teach you how to grow your own herb step by step. We promise it will well be worth reading it to the end!


You'll cultivate your Marijuana indoors or outdoors? It's not an easy decision, as both decisions have their advantages. The most important is to protect your plants from thieves and other profiteers. Furthermore, the plants require heat and light. These conditions can be achieved both inside and outside the home. The choice comes down to individual circumstances. You want to cultivate commercial marijuana in large quantities or only a small patch of medicinal plants? Do you have enough time and energy to spend on research and treat carefully the plants, or prefer something less work? Now is the time to make an important decision.


To cultivate weed indoors, you'll need a room or well-ventilated attachment and without too many windows. If you take some precautions, cultivation, indoors is not risky. A major advantage to cultivate, indoors is that you can potentially have multiple crops per year. A first test cultivation does not require specialized tools. Simply get cannabis seeds from a reliable source and you are ready to grow. Marijuana plants are like any other - all you need is fertile soil, water and light. In a simple installation, this will involve only a vase with planting soil and some fluorescent lamps. According to your time, money and energy available, you can add extra items such as filters, hydroponic or aeroponic propagation systems, advanced nutrition systems, training plans or support, and so on. But if all this scares you a little, then a vase with fertile land a strong light is all you need to start growing marijuana at home!


To be cultivated outdoors, your plants will be more exposed to danger than at home. A sudden frost, a little hungry animal or a curious neighbor will ruin your harvest. But there are simple precautions you can take to prevent these situations. Use other plants as camouflage for your harvest, or looking for a place to shelter guerrillas in cultivation. To protect the roots of ice plants, dehydration and pestilences, there are special vessels for outdoor cultivation available - and you can even buy specific seed for outdoor cultivation which are more resistant to pests and weather. By growing outdoors, in most areas you can only harvest the plants once a year. Moreover, individual plants can attain large, producing more products at a lower cost. You'll need fewer seeds, it is not necessary to pay electricity bills and there is no need for filters or fans. If the weather is favorable, the outdoor cultivation is a fun, easy and affordable to grow your herb.


Without light you can not grow your product! Basically, you need to light your plants 24 hours a day while they are in vegetative growth, and then switch to 12 hour light / 12 hours of darkness to induce the growth of flowers. Virtually any light source used, provided it is not a light bulb (these lamps produce too much heat and do not emit enough light). For a beginner, compact fluorescent lamps or fluorescent lamps for cultivation are the best bets. Of course, if you choose to grow your marijuana outdoors, you will not need lamps. The sun is and always will be the best source of light, from the place where you live has enough light. A relatively recent growing technique is the use of LEDs for lighting herb. Traditionally, metal halogen lamps are used during vegetative growth and compact fluorescent lamps or sodium high pressure are used for flowering. There are also halogen or cultivation with removable ballast, which are usually more expensive.


Once decided where to grow the grass, you need to decide what to grow. The offer of different species of cannabis on the Internet is huge. One species corresponds simply to a different gene variant. As you can buy cherry tomatoes, salad tomatoes, striated, large, small, with juice, sweeter, and so on, there are also various kinds of marijuana. The most common terms that you will find are: sativa and indica. Generally, the sativa plants are higher and with a more pronounced effect on the head, while the plants are denser indicates, lower and higher body effect. There are also special seeds for medical marijuana, suitable for pharmaceutical applications. Most seeds stores provide all the information that need with regard to the size, purpose and amount of product expected for each plant.


Another detail to keep in mind is the difference between normal seeds and feminized. Normal cannabis seeds can result in male and female plants. The flowers of male cannabis plants resemble small "banana". Once you notice these flowers, pluck the plant. Male plants produce no cultivable grass. Most importantly, they will fertilize your female plants if not removeres! An easier solution is to order feminized seeds. However, as a beginner, you will more likely to put your plants under stress and, above certain levels of stress, feminized plants may exhibit male flowers. So make sure you know well the pros and cons of feminized seeds. Finally, you can also opt for autoflowering seeds. These seeds do not require changing the lighting duration as normal seeds.


The best time to perform the harvest is a topic subject to debate. Typically, growers decide spoon when about 50% of trichomes (small beads of resin) on the cannabis flowers pass from a clear or cloudy amber. A harvesting done too early can lead to premature formation of shoots, which do not have the full effect of a properly matured bunch of flowers. But if the harvest is done too late, THC (psychoactive compound) will oxidize and the grass will rot, which can make you feel sick or nauseous. Therefore, there is a fine margin of error. If antecipares harvest a bit you'll get a more lucid brain effect while if you wait a bit more, you will get a higher "stoned" body. Do not forget you also need to carefully cure cut flowers or they will be contaminated with mold and may lose quality. The cure should be done in small groups, first hanging shoots on racks to dry, and then storing them in sealed glass jars.

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