Why marijuana is better to drink than smoke http://estet-portal.com/images/larnaka.jpg

As is known, marijuana use not only to smoking but also as a food hemp. When properly processed hemp plants retain their useful properties, which are used for medical purposes. In order to prove that marijuana is better to drink juice in the form of hemp, not smoking, Dr. William Courtney leads many arguments. He also talks about how to avoid the negative effects of cannabis on the body and activate the useful properties of cannabinoids. So, Estet-portal is pleased to answer the question "why marijuana is better to drink than smoke?".

Cannabinoids can prevent cancer , reduce the risk of heart attacks by 66% and the first type of diabetes by 58 %. Medical Consultant marijuana , Dr. William Courtney recommends drinking 4 - 8 ounces ( about 100 - 200 ml ) freshly squeezed juice from the flowers or leaves of any plant of hemp , take 5 mg cannabidiol per 1 kg of body weight , eat a salad of sprouts seeds hemp and 50 mg THC , broken into 5 daily doses .

Hemp - whether sown hemp, preparation of hemp leaves (Sativa, Indica, Ruderalis), hemp wild hemp home , hemp seeds , medical resin of cannabis - a plant containing dietary substances that we can not synthesize : essential amino acids , fatty acids , cannabinoid acids and hundreds of anti-cancer substances.

" If you heat the plant , you dekarboksiliruete tetragidrokannabinolovuyu acid and will be in a state of narcotic intoxication , the body received 10 mg of active substance . If hemp is not heated , you can increase the dose of the substance in an amount of up to 500 or 600 mg, and use of the plant as hemp food and to deduce its effect on antioxidant and neuroprotective level that can be achieved when the amount of 100 milligrams of cannabinoids "- Dr. Courtney said.

" The amount of cannabinoids that we need , it is difficult to get through smoking cannabis without toxic exposure," - says the doctor . Endocannabinoid system ( ECS) supports our biological systems through the control of each cell tissue . It uses the arachidonic acid / omega-6 to produce endo - cannabinoids , which is useful for people with a lack of arachidonic acid or clinical lack of cannabinoids in the body .

The benefits of cannabis for health :

The body recovers best when it is saturated with phyto - cannabinoids , helped by 3 -month dietary consumption of marijuana .
Patients who are taking medications for blood pressure control , contraceptives , antipsychotics , medicines for heart disease or epilepsy , need more dietary marijuana to increase the level of cannabinoids in the body .

Diseases caused by oxidation , amphetamines , alcohol , or radiation , may also be treated cannabinoids .
Cannabinoids are particularly effective in the treatment of CNS diseases caused by oxidation , as they overcome the blood-brain barrier and exert its antioxidant effect .
Within 2 hours hemp juice lowers blood pressure by 10 units.
Patients with advanced cancer take cannabis buds completely.

Preparation of hemp juice

Plants treated with any chemicals are not used to extract juice from hemp.
Before squeezing juice leaves should be soaked in water for 5 minutes. To obtain the juice from the leaves, buds and sprouts effective juicer, which operate on the principle of mixing. Best hemp juice medical value is retained if minimize ingress of air into it. For example, you can freeze fresh hemp juice in the form of ice cubes. Preventive, analgesic, anxiolytic, anti-oxidant properties of the juice reaches its peak within 1-2 weeks.

In order to avoid dysphoria from psycho-tetrahydrocannabinol toxicity, heat bump up to 166 degrees with the heat gun - the longer the heated bump, the less THC remains in it.
D9THC boils at 157oS, D8THC - at 175 ° C, tetrahydrocannabinol - when 188oS. The heated juice makes tetrahydrocannabinol more active.
Calculating the amount of the active substance from the new plant varieties to start with lower doses: the amount of THC in a glass of juice can be increased many times over, which is why after consuming this juice cannabis can lose consciousness for a few days, as even the heated leaves can even stand .

"Hemp - a great plant, as the content of cannabidiol may be low This is good if you use it as a dietary supplement plants that we use in Luxembourg, contain only 1% cannabidiol, this plant contains 19 times more cannabidiol.. than orange contains vitamin C. 1% cannabidiol - a great source from which you can get great concentration, the plant can be eaten raw, such as A marijuana does not contain tetrahydrocannabinol, it can be heated, "-. said Dr. William Courtney.

Fresh marijuana produces nepsihoaktivnye acidic cannabinoids . In unheated as they are more effective , since their effect is synergistic . 90 % of medical components are destroyed during heating , for example , terpenoids , which can greatly extend the cannabinoid effects on the body .

Acid cannabinoids are absorbed by our body to 400% better than neutral. The neutral cannabinoids are the product obtained as a result of aging, exposure to heat or light. Tetrahydrocannabinol - the only psychoactive cannabinoid group - all other cannabinoids found in marijuana fresh in very small quantities.

There are 16 possible classes of cannabinoids and cannabinoid over a hundred in each trichomes; their ratio varies depending on the variety of cannabis. Each of them operates differently. Cannabidiolic acid has antibiotic action, and cannabidiol - no.

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