Spotting the Progaganda

For those that do not know, I read many cannabis-related articles daily, from various sources — some in favor, and some opposed. I have noticed some hypocrisy among those opposed, and I will point them out in this article.

First, it is common to read an article that points out the fact that cannabis entrepreneurs in recreationally or medicinally legal states are getting away with more than “drug dealers” who live in states that maintain full prohibition. While this is true, it is important to note one thing: they are “getting away” with it because it has been made legal. This is a good thing. Cops should not be concerned with what people put in their bodies, nor focused on making criminals out of non-violent, peaceful citizens. Instead, they should be focused on real crime, like rape, theft, murder, extortion, kidnapping, and other crimes that go unsolved by high margins in many places.

Second, these anti-cannabis articles are quick to point out that more drivers involved in deadly accidents are being found with THC in their systems. On the surface, this sounds alarming, but the truth is that it is difficult to determine whether or not the individual was actually intoxicated, and whether the intoxication actually contributed to accident. Screening for cannabis intoxication is still a new science. Many times, people are flagged as positive, even though it has been a few hours since they last ingested. Also, in many studies, there has been exonerating evidence that cannabis does not negatively affect one’s ability to operate a motor vehicle. Opiates are a different story, and many people…even prohibitionists…don’t think twice about taking Vicodin or Hydrocodone and getting behind the wheel.

Third, it is common to hear about how people will ingest potent edibles and end up in the emergency room. First, there is plenty of information available through labels and knowledgeable budtenders that should curb these types of situations. Second, many people die everyday from legal, FDA approved medications. To date, cannabis has still failed to kill someone. Why isn’t there an outcry against the medicines that DO actually kill people? This is fear-mongering at its best.

Fourth, there are still studies circling around that point out falsehood like:

  1. Cannabis makes people violent
  2. Cannabis causes mental disorders
  3. Legalization will create more disorder and violence

These things are either straight-up false, or were arguments used in the early 20th century propaganda — which played a big role in starting prohibition.

Finally, these liberty-hating articles will point to how relaxed cannabis laws have led to more smuggling, especially to bordering states. While this is true, it’s important to consider that this smuggling is only viewed as crime because it is a relic still hanging on from the days of prohibition. Due to cannabis still being federally illegal (despite the fact that the government holds a patent on cannabis’ effectiveness in treating cancer…No, really. You should look up patent 6630507.), it is illegal for cannabis-related products to cross state borders. This sounds like a simple rule, but many in the cannabis industry are ready for it to be treated like any other industry. If I order oregano or wine from California or animal skins from Colorado, this is not a crime. So why should it be a crime to order some cannabis?  I hope that one day, it will not. It will be a great day for liberty, and a great day for this old industry that is coming into new light.

So, before being sucked in by all the propaganda, learn the truth regarding cannabis and how the movement is changing America, and the world. It’s time to leave prohibition behind. It only fosters a dangerous black market, and keeps cops busy enforcing meaningless laws, rather than having them hunt down true criminals. 

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