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Controlled Substances, Or Controlled Consciousness??

This post includes a vile mother, of demon twins, so please view! Plus, it's under 5 minutes.

If you smoke or medicate, for whatever reason, in whatever quantity, IT IS A MORAL RESPONSIBILITY to consider the judicial problem of prohibition YOUR OWN.

KNOW, with CERTAINTY, that a group of people -- bonded in + with the insight this plant gives us -- we most certainly CAN be a formidable force for good… for sanity… for delisting this invaluable crop.

And it could NOT be easier to do!

Use your smartphone.

Download the free app, Countable.

Search for H.R. 1227. Vote “YEA”.

Become a persistent voice that your Representatives canNOT ignore. You have influence here, so USE IT. PUSH with it. SPEAK with it. Direct your knowledge and energy toward this single action that can amplify… magnify… and BRING THE DELISTING WE SEEK.

Please share this widely.