Marijuana and Viceland for Team Love

There are certain people that become ‘awoken’ to the ways of the world. Slowly and surely, the scheme of the ‘powers that be’ becomes more obvious. The more obvious it becomes, when you realize the lengths they have taken to do what they are trying to do, the more you wonder.

We all reach a point of disbelieve, wondering exactly what type of greed would lead to these types of decisions that grab for power upon the enslavement of others. (To be ‘enslaved’ is to be held back by a higher power. You may not be under whip and chain like a ‘slave’ in the true sense of the word, but you’re constrained to very minimal opportunities of growth in order for the powers that be to keep their power. Because, and this is a fact, the ONLY reason the government HAS power to begin with, is because the majority of the world lets them have it by acknowledging it’s a real power. Voting every year does this. Paying taxes does this.

It’s one of the biggest reasons right now that they are still on pace for more power, more corruption and more greed. The decision to vote, pay taxes and acknowledge their power is how they rest at night. The more people that make it out to the polls, they don’t care who wins, the more people that are acknowledging the power. And, that’s all they care about, the acknowledgement of the power. Once they have that, they don’t need much else but a good poker face. More laws can then be tossed into effect (Back end, front end, in your face or written with a pile of money sitting on the law-writers desk. – doesn’t matter)

The power that the government has may have been granted by the people in the beginning of America, when we built the constitution of man. But the powers that these governments (Any of the US and its allies that are backed by Israel and Parliament - aka; the bad guys) have granted themselves throughout time, was not granted by the people. They were created in shadows. And to hold onto them they are willing to try anything to continue the growth of the powers.

THE AWOKEN ONES, maybe because they are awake, or maybe ever since becoming awoken, tend to believe in a greater good and tend to believe that the world can live in peace throughout. They are more open minded and they try different things without the worry of society’s norms or the law. (Once you realize the government doesn’t have your best interest, of course you are going to try and open your mind with, possibly, especially what the ‘laws’ were telling you not to do. For example, “Oh, so the federal government classifies this LSD drug as like top notch, going away for years and years type of drug? Hmmpth, maybe I’ll fucking try it.” And, the empowerment, the visions of corruption and evil that LSD gives you, it’s a sign that it might lead to more answers than we could even imagine.
You’ve now realized that the law is the powers that be. And you now have realized that the powers that be do not have your best interest. Therefore, you might actually consider the fact that these ‘illegal substances’, these ‘narcotics’ that are claimed illegal, well they may actually be the key to awakening, or possibly more awakening. Or at the very least they are profitable.

So, the dumbing down of the masses is an obvious tactic towards, power, greed and corruption. Power, greed and corruption are definitely 3 things an ‘evil’ entity or group would strive for. But what about the withholding of ancient secrets? What about, a cure for the disease of unhappiness? What about, a chemical combination that allows you to go through years of psychotherapy in an 8 hour session? A more awoke society, a less enslaved public and the government faces more opposition.

If it’s made illegal, you must then think as to why ‘they’ – the greedy ones in control – would want that certain substance, act or crime illegal. They’ll say it’s for the greater good and they’ll say it’s to keep your kids safe. But someone that was already contributing to the danger of your children, that was willing to do anything to keep your children in harm, when they’ve already established a situation where you ‘trust’ them. Well then, why wouldn’t they blatantly lie to you? It’s literally the biggest mask and the biggest injustice to peace and humanity in recorded history. And, once love wins, it will be the last. Why I know love will win is explained below.


Uphill? Yes. But my open minded, awoken friends, I will say this; once awoken, with a heart inside of you that recognizes wrong from right, you will ‘join love’s team’ and you will fight for good. In this fight, realization of what’s really going on is a huge victory. And you’ve already achieved this. And now, you and ‘love for a greater world’ join up with the rest of us. A certain, peaceful happiness enters your soul at first. Anger stays only pointed towards the enemy (Which is why relationships with family improves and why you judge less and understand everyone’s side more – you’ve realized a lot of people’s actions and problems actually stem from the government bringing them down and misinforming them. The government made them lash out in violence due to frustration with police, and they have made illegal the one substance that helps with your anger problems – for example).

Once loves here, the smile settles in. You are not only happy knowing that love will ultimately win and that you have and were chosen for the right side of the fight. You also see why it will defeat greed. Well, first of all, we all know that love is strong to have on our side. But, you don’t mistake kindness with weakness. And, who are we actually fighting? It’s not that many people. I’d say 80% of soldiers and police officers consider doing their jobs ‘just doing their jobs”. Meaning, they don’t agree with the government either. Over time, we continue to enlighten, including our sons, brothers and soldiers. We slowly bring cops and soldiers on our side, and we stage the revolt. It can happen. It will happen.

VICELAND AND MARIJUANA will start off our fight right.

The awoken, loving man will be enlightened and will really appreciate the cause and the complexity of our world. Marijuana has obviously become a cornerstone in our fight. When it’s illegal, more profits are made (arrests, big pharma pain pills, plastic instead of hemp, etc), cops have an easier time smelling the drug and searching a car for more drugs and less people are becoming awoken while high on marijuana. They don’t’ want it and we want it. It’s a cornerstone in the fight.

But, the masses, the ‘brainwashed’, pro-government majority is even starting to realize that marijuana isn’t all that bad. They are seeing the activist events, seeing a few things on TV and speaking to their children. If you’re holding an American flag and screaming, “USA! USA!” and you, for the first time, question that they lied to you about marijuana. And that it was about the money, man that must sting at first. But, hopefully, it doesn’t just do that. Hopefully, it opens their mind to the fact that the government does not have our best interest.

It’s so funny to me that marijuana is at the cornerstone. My belief that life is just one long movie has its protagonist, has the one’s you are rooting for, and now it has that incredibly ironic twist that has marijuana as a weapon for the cause of the greater good.

So they evilly make pot illegal and it backfires because of the above reasons. More people start smoking pot, realizing drug dealers are just people trying to make a living and start seeing more and more that the government doesn’t have their best interest. Team Love grows and grows. Love wins. It’s the Hollywood Fairy Tale Ending.
Another tool for the brainwashing of the masses has always been the Television. If you google the patent you can see it was created as a mind control tool. Now, they have the media to give us false information, movies playing that have had their scripts edited in favor of the government and a general line up of crappy shows that portray a normal family as a bunch of pussies.

Then, ViceLand came along. It was free. It was alternative journalism. It didn’t pick a side to be biased about. It just showed the injustice, the poverty and the corruption. It gave people a voice. Suddenly, the television was turning a bit towards Team Love.

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