[STEEM-BOUNTY] are You Actively Promoting Your SteemIt Posts?

Blog post promotion... Some people are spending hours on it, and some couldn't care less. What about you? That's the @steem-bounty question for this week.

How do you drive traffic to your blog posts.jpg

Blogging Success

Whether you have an external blog, or you are blogging on a platform like SteemIt, there's one thing we all have in common: we want our posts to be read. There is nothing more frustrating than spending a lot of blood, sweat and tears on a blog post, only to find out it no one reads it.

Having a successful blog all comes down to the number of people that actively engage with it.



When I signed up for SteemIt, I remember there was a line in one of the advertising campaigns that said; 'No need to search for visitors, the audience is already there' (or something alike).

With that sentence, they were referring to all people on SteemIt that were actively searching their feeds, or the tag feeds, that would eventually stumble upon your post and read it.

Another lie, just like the statement that you could earn good money here.
With thousands of posts made on the SteemIt platform every day, the chances they are just going to bump into your post are pretty small.

There's just too much going on for your blog to already have an audience when you start.



As you could read in the title of this post, I set up a @steem-bounty on this post.

The Steem from the @steem-bouty will be shared among all people who comment with a valid answer to the question below.


How Does That Work?

Everyone who leaves a (top-level) comment on today's question with a valid answer will get an upvote from me. The more valuable I think your answer is, the bigger the upvote will be, and the bigger share of the bounty you will earn.

A small part of the distribution of the bounty is also determined by the upvotes of other community members. If a lot of others upvote your comment,
your share of the @steem-bounty will grow (a little) bigger.

You can see it as an exercise in writing quality comments. Just like last week, there is no right or wrong answer. All I want to know is the answer to the question, and an explanation of why you act like that.

If you want to read more about how @steem-bounty works, or find more posts that will reward your comment with a @steem-bounty, you can visit their website at https://steem-bounty.com.


Bounty Question

So here's my question to you this week:

Are you actively promoting your blog posts or not?
And if you do, what kind of promotion techniques do you use?

Do you just publish your post and wait for people to come and read your post?
Do you use name tags to draw the attention to your posts?
Do you use community tags?
Do you network in order to get people to visit your blog?
Do you promote your links in Discord channels or not? If so, how and why?
Do you promote your post outside of SteemIt? How do you do this? Where do you promote?

All of this and more is what want to hear from you this week.

If you've been following my latest posts, you'll notice I started a series on ways to get your blog seen. I will definitely share more techniques that can help to drive more traffic to your blog, but - curious as I am - first I want to hear if and how you are handling promotion of your posts.


Because there is a @steem-bounty set on this post, I'd like it to be fair for everyone. So:

* Comment upvote bots are not allowed!

* No Self-voting

If you break the rules I'll make sure you are disqualified.

An upvote, followor resteem.is not required to enter this contest. However, it wïl allow me to run more contests anf giveaways.



During this week, I'll be going through the comments and give every valid answer an upvote. The size of that upvote depends on how valuable I think your answer is.

(Don't worry if you don't do any kind of promotion. If you give good argument why you don't, and let us know if it works for you, your answer could be just as valuable as any other.)

When this post reaches payout, @steem-bounty will do all the math for me and will send your share of the bounty directly to your wallet.


Share Your Secrets

So let's get started: I want to hear all your promotion techniques, or why you don't have any.

This is a golden opportunity to learn from each other and maybe uncover ways to make your blog (even)more popular.

So please don't hold back and tell us everything!

I might even have a secret bonus prize to give away...


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