-Jingi- new chapter67


Hello I am RYO!

-Jingi- Twitter account opened!


Sorry, the Discord channel has closed! Instead I created a -Jingi- specialized account on Twitter! You can see the latest chapter tweets and past chapter list on Twitter! Welcome your follow!😉


This is a -Jingi- New Chapter post

-Jingi- is not my previous work, it's my original manga that I'm currently working on

About hints to read manga before

  • Read manga from the right
  • Red word are Japanese. The meaning is written in (※)
  • If you don't understand how to read manga please read the sentences under the picture. It's written in the order of manga

-Jingi- Chapter67↓


Here is…

He woke up


Hi…How are you feeling? Liu…

What happe…

be better off moving too much…

Your wound seems to have been deep...
you slept for two days

two days!?

I dropped Chen into the river…and after that...

Yeah, You lost consciousness after that...
I had to take mayor but…
my wife came to look for Kawahime, so I took you...


I don't know that…I'm sorry

never mind…
mayor also woke up...
He also had deep wounds but could be treated immediately…so his life is not a problem...

Really…? that's good…
Btw, what happened Chen's army?
lot of them were going to come here…

They were dissipated by other villagers…

Please!! Help me!!!


What happened to this…!?

Go back and tell your boss…
As long as we are here, we will no longer tolerate your selfish violence...!!!

I…I got it~!!



Ichibei-dono! Kichigoro and everyone!
Were you safe!

I am glad that you also safe!!!


Yeah…I got them to help…

You are…!!

Everyone in Igusa-village...
We have to thanks Douan-dono whom I met the other day…

Oh…you are from the village where he went to borrow a weapon...

Yeah…I'm sorry I refused at that time...
We all couldn't think of frightening and fighting...
But soon after that, nearby village was attacked
…Fortunately, women and children were able to escape miraculously and they came to our village...
And we heard from them that they had set off a "suddenly attack"…
And we thought about you guys...
They might launch a suddenly attack on your village…
Then there was a villager who saw many guys heading for this village...
That's why we hurriedly gathered together and rushed here...


We awoke...
We must not be frightened when people in a small village like you are try fighting...
We were able to rise up because we saw you…Thank you so much

No way!
Rather, we should say thank you!

...I'm sorry in the middle of the talking,
What's going on other battles? What about the rest of the villagers?

Your right! They should still be fighting! go!!

…That's all that happened…

…wow…Villagers beat that army…?
Ffu…You guys seem to have incredible strength

I'll thank you too…
Thank you for telling your message with Douan...
And I think you saved the village women and children who were attacked, right?


…I just turned their attention a little...
it was the samurai of that village who saved the that villagers…

But without your cooperation, we would have been deceived by Chen's plan…
I don't think there were any reinforcements from other villages either…
I'm grateful to you, "Arigatou=※thank you"

…I can't accept your thanks...
…I destroyed japa…

Hey! come and get me!

you guys
You have to help with the work without playing


They are already playing despite after war...
Children are tough...
…Well, I still have a lot to do
I think it would be better you rest for a while...
I'm going to leave once…sorry


-Jingi- Twitter account opened!

Sorry, the Discord channel has closed! Instead I created a -Jingi- specialized account on Twitter! You can see the latest chapter tweets and past chapter list on Twitter! Welcome your follow!😉


Thank you for reading!
Arigatou gozaimashita!

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