Floral mandala - my creativity supported by the power of Open Source


I've never perceived myself as a professional graphic designer, but I like to have fun with graphics and I even make some money from making or selling it. Few days ago I made this graphics which I call a floral mandala. Although it looks complicated to make, it wasn't difficult to produce such effect. All I used was GIMP and other Open Source tool called HTML5 Mandala Maker. As you probably know, you can download GIMP easily from the store, or a repository, of your operating system - I use Linux which usually comes with GIMP preinstalled.

HTML 5 Mandala Maker is an Open Source tool I've found on GitHub.

In the future I'm going to create many tutorials for non-professionals showing how to make various cool stuff. For now I'll only reveal how I made it.

I made this mandala by taking a picture of a flower in a park. Then I opened it in GIMP and I used G'MIC - a great piece of software integrated into this program which allows you to produce awesome effects. I transformed the picture of the flower into a drawing. I got this:


Then I simply used HTML 5 Mandala Maker, adjusting various parameters to get this awesome mandala.

A friend of mine told me that you can see such things after taking 280 micrograms of LSD. He asked me whether I'm taking some drugs. Unfortunately, I don't take anything, so maybe I'm insane producing such art.

What is your opinion about my floral mandala?

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