My Latest Crush: Fun Time With @gee1

So, yesterday I made a new crush. 💃 💃 💃 💃 💃

If you're my close friend, you'll know how I am with crushes. Since today is #mancrushmonday #mcm, he is the one taking the title today.

My #MCM 12th March, 2018


💃 💃 💃 💃 💃 💃 💃

Terry Ajayi!!!


Okay, you possibly know him as @surpassinggoogle.
😂 😂 😂
I've been seeing his name all over this space, he's a very popular steemian (as a whale, what do you expect)??

Truth is, I have this likeness for somelight guys, especially the ones with cute-baby-face.

As a chronic crusher that I am, I looked him up on Facebook, one has to crush effectively.


When it comes to cuteness, the boss had it right from time. I bet his parents must look really good and those cute genes 😋 are just everything.

He's into sports

Who doesn't like a guy who's into Sport??
And then he's not just into it, he's good at it.
Who no like better thing 😂

And we have great compatibility

-His birthday is 11th, my Mum's is 10th March 😀
-His surname is Ajayi, my Mum's maiden name is Ajayi.
-He's light-skinned and I'm dark-skinned
-We're both in Engineering
-He's a whale and I'm an upcoming whale
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
-He's on steemit and I on steemit.

All that aside, he's one of the most hardworking and caring people I've seen here on steemit. His commitment to help people is evident through all the projects he handles. His personality here in steemit is one worthy of emulation.
I hope I get to meet him (soon) 😉

Lastly, he has a signature pose.

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂.

And I found it!


(P:S: I'm not a stalker 😂 😂 I'm just a passionate Crusher)

@gee1 inspired this post, and she has something similar here,

All images were gotten from Facebook, here

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